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Hazel had rushed home with Polly, Ada and Thomas while John, Esme and Arthur followed behind- John driving the car particularly terribly while turning the corner to the house. Polly stood at the door of the house, ushering Esme inside, "There's one man that should be here" She spoke, eyeing Thomas up and daring him to make the right decision, just as Hazel appeared behind her.

"Pol, we need you in here" Hazel ushered, sweat beads already forming on her head.

"You're right Pol, Freddie should be here" Thomas begun speaking, causing Hazels lips to part slightly in shock.

"Is that a heart beat I hear inside that chest?" Polly breathed.

Thomas glanced over to Hazel after Pollys statement then carried on- "The truce lasts until sunrise. On my oath. Tell Freddie its safe"

A wide spread of excietement spread across Pollys face as she rushed in to tell Ada the good news. Hazel leaned against the doorway and lingered for a second longer, a smile forming on her lips as she watched the three brothers walk away, catching Tommys eye as he turned back to look at her just as she was shutting the door.


Adas screams and gasps filled the kitchen as her face scrunched up, her hair, face and body drenched in sweat. Hazel begun to worry about her state- she was in agonising pain and had been for a while, yet there was not even the slightest sign of a baby.

Hazel reached forwards and cupped Adas stomach, furrowing her eyebrows "It's the wrong way around. We need to lean her forward"

"You're right" Polly agreed.

The three women helped Ada over to the table so she could lean on it, her screams growing louder by the second- "Push Ada!" Polly shouted, rubbing her back.

Hazel could tell the baby was almost out. "Come on Ada love- two, three!" She exclaimed, and just like that, another life was pushed out into the world.

It was a beautiful baby boy, and Esme was quick to wrap him in a blanket as Polly and Hazel helped Ada up to sit in a chair. Hazel smiled softly as she watched Ada hold her son for the first time- she admired her, any woman who can push a whole fucking baby out of their bodies immediately earned Hazels respect, as she wasn't sure she could ever do it.

Suddenly, Freddie bust through the door, and stood back in awe as he watched his wife cradle their son. "Its a boy Freddie" Ada smiled up at him, still managing to look beautiful after what she'd just been through.

Hazel watched the loving exchange between the family, their love towards their son was so raw and beautiful, it caught hazel thinking that maybe she could do it- her mind drifted to Tommy.

"Open up! Police!"

Everyones faces paled and dropped as the noise of the door being kicked down erupted through the house, Hazel and Esme immediately rushing to try and stop them, only to be shoved into the wall as they barged past forcefully. "You can't come in here! There's a baby just been born!" Hazel screamed at their backs.

The group of men grabbed Freddie as soon as they saw him, and Adas cries after her husband filled the room as he was slammed against the walls before being dragged away completely, the beautiful moment between a family being torn apart in seconds. Hazels heart broke for them, and broke even more hearing the words Polly spoke out as the room fell silent.



Polly Gray burst through the doors of the Garrison, anger and hatred bubbling up inside her as she caught sight of Thomas. "It's a boy" she spoke, her voice trembling, her tear stained cheeks shaking with anger. Hazel followed in straight after and tried to pull her back as Polly made a run for Thomas, but John and Arthur managed to stop her before she could make any real damage to him. "But the police came and took his father away!" She shouted, her face scrunched up in disgust.

Dangerous Things | Thomas ShelbyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora