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One week later

"Since my wife took a fucking bullet meant for me!" Thomas roared, slamming his hand down on the desk as he stared furiously between two of his brothers.

Ada and Polly heard the outburst from the office, and rolled their eyes, Thomas's emotions being even more unpredictable than usual.

The three brothers attentions were moved elsewhere by the sound of the door to the office opening.

"Polly I told you not to let anyone else in." Thomas hissed, but his face softened when Hazel stepped into the room.

"What are you doing up ey?" He asked, his anger turning into concern in an instant as he looked over her still frail frame.

"Oh she came see her favourite Shelbys!" Arthur exclaimed, rushing toward her and pulling her into a hug.

"Ouch, Arthur, still sore." She winced with a laugh.

"Oh shit. Sorry love." He mumbled awkwardly, pulling away and letting John give her a much gentler hug.

"Lads be careful- you shouldn't be up and walking around like this" Thomas warned, and Hazel rolled her eyes slightly.

"It was my arm Thomas. If I don't get away from that bedroom I'm going to go crazy. Clearly not as crazy as you though- I could hear your bloody shout from upstairs. What's going on?" She raised an eyebrow, and Thomas imagined she'd be crossing her arms if it wasn't for one of them being in a sling.

"He wants us to kill our old teacher- Mrs Changretta." John spoke quickly, trying to hide the smug look on his face as he knew Hazel would be on his side and manage to talk Thomas out of it.

"Oh for fucks sake why?" Her eyes widened as she stared at Thomas with disapproval.

"Can you just wait outside please? We will be done in a minute and I'll explain." Thomas sighed.

"Oh sure no worries. Feel free to finish your business Tommy- but if it includes the killing of innocents because they have some weak ties to whoever shot me, it's not happening." She spoke, turning on her heel and walking out of the room.

John and Arthur both looked at each other with a chuckle.

"For fucks sake." Thomas ran his hand through his hair.

"-Right. You go ahead with the plan but fucking fine. Let old Mrs Changretta run off to America- but just reminding you all, I'm sure she had no protest about the bullet that hit my wife." Thomas seethed, glaring at his brothers as they walked out of the room.

Thomas sat down in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose as he squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, trying to rid the image of his wife covered in blood and crying out in pain from his mind.

He hadn't slept for three days.

He had refused to let anyone in the house at first, apart from two guards outside and Ada and Polly who had insisted so much they'd practically broken themselves in.

The relief he felt when the hospital told him she would be okay was indescribable. But he couldn't even label the feeling he got when they also told him that the baby was likely to survive. He knew it was early days, but the bullet had hit her arm, and she hadn't actually bled out too much. She had gone unconscious for a while, but the nurses were sure it was mainly from the shock, rather than the loss of blood.

He'd taken her home to be cared for as soon as the hospital had allowed it, and for the first few days she mainly slipped in and out of sleep, her conversation with him kept to a minimum. Not because she was too hurt or tired to talk- but because once he had let Ada and Polly in the house, he was barely there. He had shut himself away, along with his feelings, to focus on business once more. But this time it was more of a plan. A plan to get back at the Changretta family.

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