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I was the greatest warrior during my time, even better than the brother. I had a pretty weird fighting style, I used three blades two on my hands and one on my mouth. You may think how that's a really big achievement, you're not wrong saying that this was a big achievement but it isn't the biggest, the biggest is me learning how to CRAWL!

Father would also often sit with us and talk about his adventures, which was apparently a profitable profession. His told us stories about his adventures with his party in the "Beast Glades", to how he met our mother in a city called Valden. 

The nickname they gave me was Al. At first I didn't get why they gave me a cute nickname. I mean I was a cold-blooded killer in my old life, people feared me for my "weird but deadly" fighting form, and when there weren't wars going on I was a deadly assassin with my hidden blade. I also formed a order of assassins named "The Brotherhood". Anyways I looked at my face on a mirror and I get why they named me Al. I was cute really cute, I could even say I was cuter than Art, with my Ashen Brown hair and brown eyes.

On the third day I learned to crawl I sneaked into the library only to see Art there. The possibility of him being reborn like me became larger, but I guess I shouldn't get ahead of myself. 

This also lead my mother cursing the day we were able to crawl, "I swear, you both are going to become as hard to manage as your father".


Closing the book I just read I thought of the information that I just got. This world was underdeveloped, the technology here is somewhat primitive mainly because of people relying on magic. Weapons were allowed other than in presence of royalty. Hell I saw one guy carry a giant shield and sword inside a public toilet. This was pretty scary and disturbing, yesterday when mom and dad bought food and they brought us along we saw a guy trying to steal a bow....only for his hand to get decapitated, and what's worse is the people were cheering, I feel bad for the guy not only did his hand get decapitated but he's facing public embarrassment.

The kingdom that I live in is called Sapin, the kingdom of the elves was called Elenoir and the kingdom of the dwarves was called Darv and all of this was located in the continent of Dicathen. The kingdom was also ruled through Monarchy with the crown passed on to the king's son. 

The concept of mana was very different to ki. Superhuman abilities and their wielders were relied upon by Earth, yet the application varied. Back on my world we were taught how to condense and utilize ki within our bodies. Just like a muscle. The more we use ki the stronger it gets, making the pool ki much bigger. The ki is then distributed along veins or meridians to make us stronger or strengthen our weapons. 

Here the ki is called mana, but mana can also be found in the atmosphere. Therefore mages gather ki from the atmosphere and strengthen their mana core, but in my world ki can only be found in our bodies.

In my world my ki core was way above average so that made me better than most people, which also made me one of the strongest warriors back then. My ability to adapt to any weapon was one of the reasons I was feared, make it a bow, a dagger, a greatsword, or even a spear. Since mana can be found in the atmosphere that makes it even easier to strengthen my mana core.

The next day I saw Art craw to the same book I read and he started reading it? This makes the odds of him being a reincarnator even larger.

The King's brother from two worlds (A TBATE fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now