Learning about mana

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(A/N This chapter is basically the same about chapter 4 of the 1st novel of tbate but a shortened version so skip if you want)

Mana is commonly used in 2 ways, these 2 ways are augmenting and conjuring. 

Augmenters are known as Warriors, they determine their strength by how strong their mana channels are. Conjurers or also known as Mages depend on their mana veins, this determines how fast they can absorb mana from their surroundings.

Strengths and Weaknesses 

Augmenters are most deadly in close range and sometimes in medium range but they are extremely weak in long range. Conjurers on the other hand are most effective in long range but are extremely vulnerable in close range. 

Wait if augmenters depend on mana channels and conjurers depend on mana veins is it possible to be a augmenter and conjurer? Well I might as well try sometime.

There are also Mages known as Deviants. The two most common Deviants are Elemental Deviants and Emitters. Elemental Deviants are Mages that have mastered a certain element and they are able to use the higher version of the 4 basic elements. These elements being: Water → Ice (Humans only) , Water + Earth → Plant (Elves only), Earth → Gravity (Humans & Dwarves), Earth → Metal (Dwarves only), Earth + Fire → Magma (Dwarves only), Fire → Lightning (Humans only). Emitters on the other hand are a rare type of Deviant, Emitters or commonly known as healers have the rare ability to cast their unique restorative magic unto others.

Mana Core

A Mana Core is classified into six colors: black, red, orange, yellow, silver, and white. One's mana color starts off as black, due to the body's blood and other impurities mixed with the mana particles as they form together into a mana core. Each stage of the mana core colors is split into three shades(dark, solid, and light), except silver which is split into initial, mid and high and white core which does not have stages. In general, the lighter the mana core color, the purer one's mana core was. 

Jeez that was some book. Well since forming a ki core is pretty similar to making a mana core I might as well try now. 

So I began meditating and started forming my mana, that was until one day Art started reading the same book I read and he started meditating to. Now that's definitely proof he was reincarnated like me. Arthur started meditating during day time, it was risky but I also joined him. It was silent for a few minutes until mom came in the room looking for us.

"There you are children. Having trouble taking a dump?" she asked not knowing the real reason we were there.

We voiced our disagreement until she picked us and checked, I had indeed wet myself while Arthur's diaper had gotten heavier than usual. 

Coincidence? I think not! Wait how are there even diapers in this era!?

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