A Frosty return

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As we knocked on the door we both heard a little girl's voice saying, "Coming~"

A few seconds later an old maid with a young girl arrive on the other side.

"May I help you children?"

I signaled Arthur to answer and he said.

"Um, my name is Arthur Leywin and this is my brother Alexander Leywin, we were informed our parents were currently living here?

Before the maid could answer a we heard a familiar voice speaking in the background. 

"Eleanor Leywin there you are! I told you to always greet anyone who knock on the.....door." my mother rushed toward us dropping and breaking a food bowl she was carrying.

"H-Hey mom, we're back." with my voice cracking

She then hugged us as if she wouldn't let go again. At this point I let my emotions take control, tears flowed on my eyes like two waterfalls.

"You're both alive! Those voices really were you, I knew I wasn't mistaken." 

Seeing our mom like this our sister tried to comfort her, "Mama pwease don't cwy." 

But she to started crying.

"Arthur! Alex! "A familiar voice shouted behind us, I immediately knew it was our father.

"My sons! You've returned!" He put us in a headlock under his arms.

This continued for quite a while until we settled down in the couch. 

"Are you alright now? You said both of you have an illness? Wait why are you both so thin? Did you not eat three times a day?

"Mom, don't worry were fine." I responded

At this point Gojo was not using my hair as a nest since he nearly got choked to death by dad a while ago. 

"Calm down honey you're asking to many questions, besides they've grown so big and strong now." dad said.

"That's right."

"Ellie, come here and say hi to your big brothers."

"Big bwudas?"

"Yes that's right the brothers from the stories mommy and daddy tell you before you go to sleep."

She then approached us and said, "H-Hello big bwudas." when she said that plus the cute face she made I felt my heart melt inside me.

"Hello there Ellie, nice to meet you." both me and Arthur said simultaneously.

After that we both explained from the beginning to the end.

"So what about these little friends of yours?"

"I found mine when I saw a mana beast who was dying of old age told me to protect his son. And he can also shapeshift." and as if on cue Gojo turned into his bear form. As for Arthur's he told me that a mana beast had a serious wound and gave him her egg."

"Are you sure you're all healed now? There's no chance of you getting that illness again?"

"Don't worry mom that was just because our mana cores were unstable because of us awakening really early."

"Oh that's right! Your mana cores, what stage are they in now!?"

Good grief I see he's still hyper.

"How about you go first dad? What stage is your mana core in?"

"Hehe, your old man broke through two years ago and entered the dark orange stage." he said doing a pose.

"Impressive right? How about you two?"

The King's brother from two worlds (A TBATE fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora