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So It has been 2 days since the "battle", and I am still traumatized by it. I mean who wouldn't be traumatized when two God's have a battle? Plus I almost died to. But back to the present. I am currently going either deeper in this forest where I am in or reach civilization. I'm also swinging from branch to branch using mana strings, yes swinging from branch to branch. One might think when they see me that they saw an extremely small man or they're probably drunk. This reminds me of a superhero movie I once watched as a kid back in my old world. What was his name again? Spider Boy? Man of Spider? Oh I remember it was Man Spider! It was about a spider who was killed by a man but before it died it bit the man which made the man a walking Man spider. Anyways it was getting dark, so I looked for a place to camp but I saw a carriage? It seems like there were 4 men guarding it, I then spotted a small figure standing on a branch which was above one of the men. If this is who I think it is then he should respond if I say his name.

"Arthur" I called from the distance

He looks around to find me and eventually see me. He motions me to come to him, I do and as soon as I got there I was pulled into a hug. 

"I thought I lost you." he said silently 

"Hey I'm not your brother if I can't keep up with you." 

"But how did you.... wait, were you also r-"

"Reborn yes."

"I knew it!"

"Hey don't shout it."

"So what's down bellow?" I ask him

"Possible abduction or kidnapping."

"Wait what? For real?"

"Yes for real. They're probably slave traffickers."

"Let me guess, you want to stop them, or should I say kill them?"


"I'll take that as a yes. So who are the abducted?"

"Two girls. One is probably an elf. And the other one has light blue hair and is probably a human."

"Oh? Two girls eh."

"You have a weapon?"

I pull out my dagger and say "Right here."

"Whoa. Isn't that heavy?"

"Nope surprisingly not."

"So you have a plan?"

"Yep. I've been following them for a while and looks like their guard is down."

Arthur then tells me his plan.

"Oh alright got it." 

Arthur startles the hounds by throwing a seed making them bark.

One of the slave traders comes exactly as planned. Arthur then makes a mana blade?

"You should just chew each other's antlers if you that bored." and with that Arthur is in the move

"A ki-" he notices Arthur but it's to late, Arthur decapitates his head and takes his weapon saying something.

"Just then Footsteps were heard coming to us. Which means it's my turn.

As he looks at his comrade being eaten I cover his mouth and slash his neck killing him. 

"Hello, and goodbye."

The hounds then started making noise. Then we heard multiple footsteps. Oh shoot not now.

Arthur motioned me to hide. So I did, I then watch as Arthur fought the two slave traders. He took the first one down by slashing his feet. But the second one was out of his league. He gets defeated fast. As much as I want to help I need to wait for the signal. He then makes and explosion using fire magic. Impressive indeed brother. But that was the signal. I come down and decapitate his head.

"And you're dead. I didn't even feel anything, no guilt, no sorrow, not even a thrill."

We then approach the last slave trader. 

"W-Wait please don't!"

"I'm sure the little girls said the same thing" I say as I lick the blood of the dagger. I don't know why but the smell of blood smells like juice, and the taste is.... wonderful. 

"Goodbye now, I'll be sure to tell master to take good care of you in hell."

I then slash his neck killing him. I once again lick the blood, and it kind of gives me energy? 

We then approach the carriage as we look inside. We then see two girls both had rope tied around them. One was an elf while the other was the human. The human has Sky blue hair while the elf had grey hair. 

I nod to Arthur as we say. 

"Come on, It's safe, you can go home now." we both say as I reach my hand out to the girl with Sky blue hair while Arthur does the same with the other girl. As we do this we both have a smile on our face.


And done! Happy New Year guys! Hope you all had a good and wonderful New year!

The King's brother from two worlds (A TBATE fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now