A Battle between Gods

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Jinwoo POV

"So, what do you from me?" I say knowing what would happen next.

"What do I want!? You know exactly what I want! I want your head!"

"Um, for what exactly?"

"You dare forget about the treacherous crimes you have done against Asgard!"

"Oh,  I remember now. It was when I massacred all of you."

"Are saying that the Gods of Asgard are weak!"

"Well technically yes." 

"H-How dare you!"

"What I mean it's the tru-" I couldn't dinish what I was about to say as I narrowly dodge an attack.

"Going for the kill eh? Very well, entertain me!"

I say as I summon the Kamish's Wrath and we clash blades.

3rd Person POV

As Thor and Jinwoo clash blades it would seem that both of them are an even match. That is until Thor stops fighting and says.

"I'm disappointed, I didn't know you were this weak. So I'll have to end it now." 

He then zooms through and kicks Jinwoo. Completely taken by surprise Jinwoo tries to counter but is to slow as he can only block and take the hits from Thor. It would seem the battle would come to a close until Jinwoo says. 

"I got you know!"

[Earth Magic: Terraform]

A mountain covered in snow then appears behind them. He then throws his daggers at Thor but he just dodges them with ease. But what he doesn't know is that Jinwoo is already behind. Caught by surprise he is unable to dodge or block in time, he then gets hit and is smashed through the mountain. Jinwoo then teleports to the now small cave Thor was sent flying in. 

"So, I thought you said you wanted to end this qui" but received a wave of lightning that blasted him away.

"Oh, I did" as Thor, now covered in lightning lunges to deliver the final blow. But Jinwoo manages to dodges it and shouts

"Fus Ro Dah!"

A massive shockwave sends Thor crashing back to the mountain. 

"Well it was nice knowing you, but goodbye." he says as he points his finger at Thor and chants

[Abyss Magic: Cero] 

A giant purplish black beams comes out of his hand as he destroys the mountain and everything on a 3 kilometer radius.

Alex POV

I don't know what I witnessed right now but I am in fear. These guys are monsters, they could destroy Sapin, no maybe even the whole of Dicathen.

Master Jinwoo appears beside me again. 

"Sorry you had to see that. But right now the danger is go-" I watch in horror as the axe that pierced him has pierced him again. This time even deeper, so deep that you can see the axe coming from the other side.

"Argh" I could only watch in fear as master coughs blood. I then see a figure coming out of the smoke from the now destroyed mountain. 

"See, what did I tell you? I would make this fast didn't I"

He then kneels down to masters level and pushes the axe further into his chest. Master spits out even more blood and lots of white cracks start coming from the wound. At this point I knew I had do something. I try to punch the man but he takes the punch like it was nothing. 

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