The Director

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After I cooked for Lilia and a little bit of me scolding Arthur, we went out to go shopping. 

The building were much more elegant compared to our hometown. Nobles dressed in fancy clothing walked down the streets, some were even younger than us. We then reached the shopping district, which was a nightmare to say the least. We were treated more of mannequins than living beings, and the fact we were in public made it much worse. In the end we had a massive amount of clothes to carry, I wonder how women even not die of boredom when they go shopping. 

Then we were brought to a saloon, I managed to persuade mom and Mrs. Helstea not make me have a haircut, but sadly Arthur wasn't as fortunate. After we were finished we went home, mentally exhausted from the shopping and physically exhausted from carrying the massive amount of clothes we had to carry.  

As we got home I drop the clothes and collapse on the couch falling into slumber, that is until Arthur woke me up saying we had to meet someone.

Apparently Mr. Helstea wanted us to meet someone. Which was a terrible reason to wake me up, but I guess I had no choice. So we went outside and everybody was there with a woman who looked like a witch? Well dressed like one.

"Ah, so you must be the other twin. What is your name young man?"

Well she surely doesn't sound like a witch.

"It's Alexander, but you can just call me Alex, Ms....."

"Cynthia Goodsky, Founder and Director of Xyrus academy."

Oh so she's the founder of the school where all the bigshots come from huh.

"So umm uncle Vincent, why did you call me here?"

"Well I called director Goodsky here to discuss some potential students!"

"Um, by potential students do you perhaps mean me and Arthur?"

"Well yes..."

Good grief you should've told us in advance.

"So what will we do?"

"Oh you two are going to have a demonstration against me, Vincent would you care to guide us to your backyard?" she said while analyzing us.

"Oh yes of course." Uncle Vincent replied.

Oh come on I haven't even eaten dinner yet!


After a few seconds we were now in the backyard, I honestly feel sorry for the people here since we might wreck the newly repaired backyard.

"So let's see if Vincent was really serious when he said both of you are prodigies. And before we start are you both a Augmenter or a Conjurer."

"I'm a Augmenter." Arthur replied.

"I see.... how about you young man?"

"I guess I'm a little bit of both?"

"Hmm interesting, then we'll see if your a Augmenter or a Conjurer."

We then readied ourselves for the demonstration.

"Do you two wish to use a weapon?" She asked us both.

"Well since you're not using your wand I might as well go barehanded." He replied.

She nodded and turned towards me.

"Oh me? I don't need weapons."

"Very well, we shall begin."

I ready myself into a stance as the fight begins.

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