The bond and the return

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As I wake up I feel the right side of my body giving off a burning feeling, I rush to the bathroom and notice purple circuits? It looks like it starts from the right side of my head all the way to my arm. Wait what happened to that creature that appeared out of nowhere last night!?

"Yo sup kid."

Wait that voice, that sounds like master Jinwoo!

"If you can hear me do a thumbs up."

I give a thumbs up, a few seconds later he responds.

"Your probably confused how I'm talking to you so I'll explain. Basically I'm able to talk to you after your 'bond' was summoned. Since your 'bond' is part shadow I'm able to talk to you."

"So it's like a communicator?"

"Exactly. But I can only communicate with you once in a while since your bond isn't mature enough, so that's about it."

"Wait that's it?"

"Yeah that's it"

"Oh and before I go have you given it a name yet?"

"A name? For what?"

"Why not?"

"Eh, I don't really feel like giving him a name. But if you have a name suggestion I guess I could give him a name."

"Hm.... how about Gojo?"

"What does that even mean?"

"It was the name of my friend from one of the universes I visited."

"Eh, I guess it's alright, and-"

"Next you'll say 'it also sounds pretty cool'."

"It also sounds pretty cool- wait what! How did you know what I was about to say!?"

"Did you forget? I can see the future."

"Oh yeah I totally forgot about that."

"Anyways before I go some of your abilities might come out sooner than you and I expect."

"Wait what do you mean?"

"In the coming years something bad will happen to this universe.... and one of my old enemies might be behind it. But you don't need to worry about that, just worry on what's happening now."

"Sure thing."

"Alright, be safe out there kid."

"Same to you."

His voice then disappears. Well I guess I should get ready, wait where's my bond?

I look around the room until I look under the bed, there I see it lying on its back.

I pick him up and notice that he was staring at me, as if his eyes were staring at my soul.

"Um, you're a manticore right? Right?"

My bond then agressively nods.

"So about your name.... does Gojo sound ok to you?"

A few seconds later my bond suddenly started to nod aggressively.

"I guess that means you like it?" 

And again he started nodding aggressively.

"Anyways, are hungry? I'm heading out right now to eat."

He nodded again but not aggressively.

And so we went down the stair and there I saw Art talking to gramps, and I noticed he had a cat like animal beside him, it kinda looks like Gojo but it doesn't have any purple highlights and it was visibly smaller.

"Yo what are you guys talking about?"

"Oh we were just talking about your brother bond-GAH, t-that's, on your shoulder it can't be right!" 

"Yeah it's a manticore, wait why are you so shocked."

"I just might die if I keep on getting shocked like this."

"Anyways I see that your bond also appeared art?"

"Appeared? No she hatched from an egg."

"Wait hatched? That's even cooler!"

As I said this Gojo slapped me in the face with his tale.

"Ouch, ok I'm sorry."

After I explained to gramps how Gojo appeared he told me to hide him from other elves since the only known Manticore tamer was an elf and there's a painting of a manticore that looked similar to Gojo, but it was smaller and it didn't have any purple highlights. I then asked Gojo if he can change his appearance or disappear, and luckily he can shapeshift and hide in shadows freely, but right now he can only change into a crow and a small bear.

A few days later while training gramps walked up to us.

"Since both of you have finished your assimilation it's about time to strengthen you mana cores and to make you both able to access the first phase of you beast wills."

"Great, so what should we do?"

Arthur and I speak at the same time.

"Well I learned that the best way to strengthen both you beast wills and mana cores, is to continuously engage in combat."

And so me and Arthur fought the old man every day. Fighting him on the first few days were really scary, since his beast will was all black it kind of creeped me out a little, but eventually I got used to it.

As days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months we kept on mastering our beast wills and our mana cores. And only days before our departure we were able to access the first phase of our beast wills. 

Until it was the time of our departure. Today was when we return, Tess looked really down today, well she was already down the whole week, she had tears on her eyes which made me really sad.

"Hey brats take this."

Elder Virion gave us a compass that can supposedly help us navigate through the forest.

"Or if you don't want to use it you can just find another princess to lead you back."

And this earned him a punch from Tess.

"F-Forgive me little one."

Then it was Tessia's turn.

"Hey come on now don't be sad, we'll see each other soon."

I say patting her head.

After that It was Arthur's turn, they shared a few heartfelt words.

Before we got on the carriage I said a few things to Tessia.

"And oh I'll make sure to keep an eye on Arthur to make sure he isn't chasing after any girls!"

Arthur then gives me a "really" look.

We then climbed on the carriage and see three other elves there.

"Well look who it is, did you two finally get kicked out of the kingdom"

"Wait who are you?"

Both me and Arthur said.

And from then on he started rambling about stuff and I paid no attention at all. The only that was on my mind is what will happen when we come back home.

After a while the driver said we were in Xyrus, he dropped us off in a area where we wouldn't be seen. We bid our goodbyes and searched for the place where our parents live. Half an hour later we found it, I was a bit surprised by the size of it. Our old house looks like an ant compared to it.

"Hey little guy you ready?"

I tell Gojo who's in his crow form. He then looks at me and starts nodding aggressively..... again

"You ready brother?"

"Yeah just kind of nervous."

"Don't worry the feeling's mutual."

Approaching the door we both knock at the same time, both of us a nervous wreck.

The King's brother from two worlds (A TBATE fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now