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By nightfall, the once distant mountain range seemed to have doubled in size. We made camp near a cluster of boulders. It was a good spot with the rocks blocking off nearly all of the wind and lot of scrap wood from fallen branches to use as campfire.

The one thing I hate about this body is how much sleep it needs. Even thou I love sleeping this body still needs a lot of sleep and by a lot I mean a LOT. I mostly slept through the whole trip but for some reason I still feel sleepy.

After setting up camp father and mother started talking with the twin horns, me and Arthur sat down on one log alone when Helen sat down between and said nonchalantly "I heard your pops said both of you are prodigies in magic.....have you two really awakened?"

Arthur replied to this by telling the truth. She began asking how we felt after awakening and what color our core was, by the time the other have began eavesdropping and Adam asked "Hey Reynolds you don't mind if I test these kids?" 

"Not so fast Adam." Helen said "I wanna see how good little Al is with the bow. You don't mind do you?" Adam responded by saying "Sure I only need one twin anyways."

The attention shifted to Adam and Arthur. Like really? Having a mock battle with a four year old? 

After hesitating a little bit father said "Alright, but be careful. I haven't had the chance to teach him how to properly fight yet. We've just been doing light strength and mana exercises 'til now. And Helen would you mind teaching Alex a few tips? I only thought him the basics so far and the farthest he's hit is only about 11 meters." Helen responded by saying "Sure thing"

After reaching a good spot Helen set up a log as a target. "Let's see how good you really are kid. Try to hit this log, you have 3 chances to hit this."

I carefully take my bow and get an arrow from the quiver. Ok the log is about 8 meters away and wind is slightly blowing to the east, that means I don't have to put a lot of power and I have to aim a little to the right I should be able to hit it. I take a deep breath, aim, pull the string and arrow and release. The arrow grazes the log but not hitting it. 

"Again" says Helen. 

It looks like I aimed to the right to much. Again I take a deep breath, aim, pull the string and release. The arrow hits the top of the log slightly making it sway back. 

"Not bad, for a kid whose father is Reynolds. The only problem is your form and how you take to long and miscalculate the target." "Although your just a four year old I guess I could teach you a few tips and tricks." Helen responded. 

I then spent the next 10 minutes practicing my bow skills and in that span of time I guess you could say I improved. 

"This will be the last, so try to hit this log from here in three tries." Helen said

Ok the log is about 23 meters away, the wind is blowing weakly from the east. I have to put a lot of power into this shot or else it will be short. I ready my bow, take a deep breath, aim, pull the string and fire.

The arrow his the center of the log making it fall down.

"I got to say I'm impressed. You're quite the fast learner. You even got it on your first try." Helen said. "Well it's all thanks to you miss Helen" I respond. "We've taken quite a while now so let's head back." I just nod in response.

When we got back it looked like Adam and Arthur's duel was over. 

"Hey guys you're back!" father said. "So how was Al? Did he do great?"

"To be honest I was really surprised that someone like you managed to teach him and make him this good, although he was pretty bad at the beginning he learned pretty quickly. He even hit a shot from 23 meters on his first try. In a few years you son might be a prodigy Reynolds."

Everybody then started talking about how good I was and how Adam nearly broke one of Arthur's bones. And I again saw Angela trying to kill Arthur. 

Really? Can't you dodge like I did?

The night passed quickly passed as the four of them were practicing a move Arthur did while I was away. We then slept in a tent with Mother.

The King's brother from two worlds (A TBATE fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now