Start of Training

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We reached the palace by late afternoon, but before we could enter it we were stopped by the king. 

"Arthur, Alex, you might have overheard me speaking before you left, and I greatly apologize for that. My years as a king has made me old fashioned and really stubborn."

The Queen continued from there, putting her hands on our shoulders. 

"What he was trying to say is that we're really sorry. And please accept our apology and from now on you can consider this place as your own."

"You are my father's first disciples and my daughter's saviors. Let me welcome you once again, this time properly." the King says holding his hands out. 

Me and Arthur reach our hands out, shake his hand, and say. 

"Thank you for your genero-"


Oh I definitely know this voice.

"If your really sorry to them, then let us play outside, I want to show them around the city!


And so here we are, in the city of Elenoir with Tessia showing us around until.... Arthur bumped into someone.

"Oh, sor-"

"Ew I got human germs on me." he said with a face of disgust.

What the hell? You got a problem mate?

"Just because elder Virion favors you two, it doesn't mean you belong here." the elf says pointing at us. Soon enough more elves start joining him, well kid elves. 

"Come on Arthur, Alex, lets just go."

I kind of want to thump him. 

"Princess, while I applaud your kindness, it is just to much for you to with this low life human commoner."

"Hey Tess, can I thump him?" I say kindly.

But before I can even get close to him Arthur stops me whispering into my ear. I look at him giving a thumbs up.

"*Gasp* The Feyrith Ivysaur!"

"Haha! So even you have heard about me? Of course you had, after all I'm a genius who just awakened recently while I'm still you- wait what did you just call me! It's Ivysaar you fool!

"Hehe" I say giving a chuckle while Tess and Arthur giggle. 

I guess it's my turn now.

"We had no idea we were in presence of a genius! This bug and his brother will remember to give you the respect you need." 

"Now if you'll excuse u-"


"You thought I didn't see through that sarcasm!?" 

So he isn't that dumb? 

"For the pride of the Ivysaar house, I hereby challenge you to a duel!" 

What the literal fu-

"How dare you challenge the disciples of elder Virion to a duel? You may have noble blood, but you should know your place Feyrith."

"Forgive me, princess, but my father told me to never let anyone trample over my pride. Humans! Accept this duel or retreat in shame with you tail between your legs. Just know that if you retreat it will affect your mentor as well!"

Soon a small crowd gathers up around us. I guess a duel is a pretty big thing. 

"I take your silence as an acceptance, You!" he says pointing at me.

"You will be the one to fight me. Princess Tessia, please be the one to officiate this duel." 

I look at Art with my face saying help. 

Tess comes in the middle between me and the elf. 

"Let the duel, begin!"

"Prepare yourself, you monkey named Alex!" he says pulling out a colorful stick.

"I will show yo-"

I then stop with my hand being an inch away from his stomach. Then I punch him, making fall to the ground gasping for air. 

"Huh that was it?" 

I expected more of a challenge.

"Hey guys." 

Tess says looking at us. 


And so we continued touring around Elenoir. 

The next day training began. 

"Normal mages purify their core and manipulate mana using their mana channels/veins. But for beast tamers, we use a process called assimilation. Assimilation is basically integrating mana from your mana core to your bodies muscles and bones, thus the name assimilation. Once your body absorbs the mana from your new core, you can be able to use any beast will you have."

"The problem is your mana core won't develop while doing the process."

The price to pay is pretty small? 

"To do it, slowly release mana from your mana core and let your bones and muscles absorb it. This will take a lot of effort and time, but in the end it will be worth it." 

And so we did this every single day, until 3 years pass.

The King's brother from two worlds (A TBATE fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now