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"So, how much left until we get there gramps?"  

"Oh? You're calling me gramps now?"

Unknown to them Alex is having a dream.

Alex's POV

I wake up and I'm in a some sort of battlefield? I say this because there are ruins scattered  and corpses littered everywhere. I then hear explosions somewhere, this is probably a dream so I won't die, right?

 I approach the source of the noise and I see two people. One of them looks like the same person from my last dream, while the other one looks different. He wears some sort of black and grey vest and pants, paired with a hood. He has long red hair and wields a spear? No a Lance from the length of it. 

???: Was this the only way ????

Wait why can't I hear him talking the last part?

???: It was the fault of those lizards who call themselves "deities", but they are nothing more than monsters. After all they helped killed the one I looked up to, my master. And what's worse is you've joined them.

???: I didn't, I only joined them to stop you ????, you're claiming innocent lives even though they have nothing to do with this.

???: You're in the wrong side brother, those lizards are nothing but killers!

???: What do you mean? Look at you have become the very thing you have swore to destroy!

???: I thought you were supposed to be smart? People called you a genius while I was always overshadowed by you! They may have praised me, but they never praised me like how they praised you!

???: What do you mean? We were always equal, none of us overshadowed each other!

???: It seems you won't shut up, very well. I will teach you something that you will never forget. That is if you live after this.

He makes his lance disappear as he summons a different weapon.

 ???: As my darkness covers the light forever, this Sword of Rupture shall bring death and terror wherever it comes

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 ???: As my darkness covers the light forever, this Sword of Rupture shall bring death and terror wherever it comes. 

As he was saying those words his long red hair started changing, until his hair turned into short blonde hair.

???: Everything that begins must come to an end. As death is inevitable, not even the Gods can escape its grasp. From the ground you come, the ground you shall return. Death is not the end, but simply an eternal slumber. Now as this Sword of Rupture reaps the souls of the dead, this sword will reap the God's from their title of deities and make them cower from fear.

He then raises the sword a black light starts coming out of the sword, it then starts spinning until it stops. A black ball forms on the tip of the sword.

???: If only you helped me then you wouldn't be on the receiving end. Farewell, my brother from two worlds. Now Begone, Mongrel!

???: Enuma Elish Alternative!

A giant black beam goes straight at the other person at blinding speed. It must have been so strong strong that its shockwave blows me away, I hit the ground making me pass out.


I open my eyes to see that I'm in a different carriage, this one is roofless and is made out of old wood. I'm surrounded by a blonde guy and some other people. The blonde guy looks at me and says.

"You're finally awake, you were caught trying to cross the border weren't you? Caught right into that imperial ambush, same with us and that thief over there." 



Take 2

"Hey Alex wake up, we're here."

"5 more minutes I still want to sleep."

"Hey brat, WAKE UP!" 

I jump from my seat as elder Virion shouted right on my ear.

"Ok, jeez I'm up!"

We get out of the carriage, we seem to be in a rural area. Hmm, I wonder why elder Virion had to go way back here, the person we're meeting must be very important then. Just as I said those words elder Viri- wait no Gramps kicks the door and yells.

Gramps: Hey old hag! We're here! Come out!

A few seconds later an old elf comes out.

???: I'm not deaf yet, you grumpy old man.

Gramps: Arthur, Alex this is Rinia Darcassan, she's a very special deviant and an old friend of mine.

Arthur/Alex: It's our pleasure to meet you elder Rinia.

Me and Arthur say bowing.

Rinia: Well come on now, we haven't got all day.

As we walk in we see books, I mean a lot of books. I wonder how people actually like books.

Arthur: Forgive me for sounding impatient, but gramps said you have magic that can let me reach my parents?

Rinia: Oh? So you have a soft spot for the boy since they call you gramps now? Boys, I am what you call a Diviner. I can see even the most secret secrets of people, I can even see that both of you are special. There are even some parts of your lives I can't see, but you're here to see your parents right? So which one of you wants to talk to them? Since only one of you can be able to talk to them.

Me and Art look at each other, I wanted to volunteer but I knew Art was the right one for the job.

Alex: You should do it Art.

Arthur: Wait are you sure? I mea-

Alex: Yes I'm sure. 

Art gives me a nod as he follows elder Rinia's instructions, a few seconds later we see mom and dad, it looks like they're currently eating.

As Arthur talks to our parents I can only believe how hard it must have been for them. Imagine losing your two sons, but imagine the joy that they must be feeling that they're actually alive. And before I know it both me and Arthur are crying. 

We wipe the tears from our face, we then face elder Virion and say.

Alex/Arthur: We're ready.

And that's a wrap! I wont be operated this month since covid has been pretty bad here on my country. And I was supposed to update a while ago, but I had a really bad fever and headache. So expect a chapter this week.

The King's brother from two worlds (A TBATE fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now