Fate is pretty weird don't you think

389 13 18

A couple of days pass and we reached the foot of the mountain, and well all I could say is the view was beautiful.

Apparently the move Arthur thought them was called the "feint step" which was a pretty simple move to do back in my world. And guess what I did in only 3 tries, talk about a prodigy. 

Next we had to ascend the mountain. I was pretty much asleep the whole time until I heard.

"BANDITS! PREPARE TO ENGAGE!" she shouted, as a rumble of footsteps came from our right and rear.

"Submit, O' wind and follow my will. I command and gather you around in protection. Wind Barrier!" Instantly I feel a gust of wind forming a tornado around Mother, Angela, and I. Then the gust bent into a sphere around us.

Angela was holding out her wand, concentrating on keeping the barrier active while arrows constantly bombarded the barrier, only to get redirected to a different direction.

Mother tried shielding me and Art from arrows that might come through, but luckily there weren't.

In a matter of seconds, the tarp covering the carriage was torn to shreds and I get a better view of the situation at hand. 

We were pretty much fucked


There were at least 30 bandits blocking every way of escaping.

Jasmine, Durden, and my father seemed to be fine, with no visible injuries, but Helen had an unhealthy pale complexion that seemed to be a result of the arrow jutting from her right calf.

A bald man with multiple scars deforming his face and a body of a bear carrying a giant battle axe spoke out. "Look what we have here. Pretty good catch boys. Leave only the girls and the kid alive. Try not to scar them too much. Damaged goods will only sell for less," he snorted with a smirk that revealed a nearly toothless mouth.

Damaged goods huh?

Well lucky for you I'm only a child. If I was in my former body I would destroy everyone of you in my sleep.

This is the first time I have felt this much anger since I was betrayed by my older brot- never mind that. 

Being in my home for to long made me forget about scum like him.

It made me almost rush in before dad yelled out, "There are only 4 mages and none of them seem to be conjurers! The rest are normal warriors!"

Faint mana fluctuations around a person's body made mages distinguishable compared to normal humans, only apparent if studied closely. As for whether they were an augmenter or conjurer, making an inference based on physical structure and the weapon they were holding gave me a pretty solid idea.

 I then saw my father go back to his former adventurer days when he had once led the Twin Horns as his expression held the wisdom that could only come from experience. He donned his gauntlets, shouting, "Safeguard Formation!"

Adam quickly arrived behind us as he faced the back of the road, spear pointed, while Jasmine and Helen came to our left with both of their weapons unsheathed, facing ahead. My father and Durden faced the mountainside, positioning themselves to protect us from the archers overhead. Meanwhile, Angela maintained her position, preparing another spell as she kept her wind barrier active.

"Gather and guard my allies O' benevolent Earth; do not let them be harmed!"

[Earth Wall]

The ground rumbled as a four-meter earthen wall rose up from the ground curving up in front of Durden.

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