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Everything was so clear right now, and my body even feels lighter! I softly land on the ground after floating for a few seconds. I was about to say something until mom screamed "REY IS ALEX ALRIGHT!?" I see her running with Arthur in her hands. After seeing me she gasps and whispers. "Oh my...." wait did my hearing get better to.

"Congratulations on your awakening Alex" he then looks at Arthur and says "I guess Arthur awakened to? So congrats to you to Arthur" he says with a proud smile.

I felt worried so I apologized.

"I'm sorry Mom, Dad am I in trouble?"

"Haha... Trouble? No, you're not Alex we were just worried. The same to you Arthur, I'm glad both of you are alright. " Mother responded with teary eyes.

However, my idiotic father had a different reaction.

"My boys are prodigies. Awakening near the age of three! This is bizarre, and i thought I was fast." he exclaimed. But before he could continue.

"What in the world!" a passing neighbor screamed. 

"Haha, I guess we should clean this mess up" my father said while rubbing the back of his head.

But unknown to me Arthur was staring at me the whole time.


It's been a few weeks since our awakening and our family has decided to keep it a secret. Since it may sound ridiculous, anyways father contacted a bunch of his old adventurer friends to fix the house. Surprisingly none of them questioned him how the house blew up. 

A few days after the house was fixed our birthday came(May 29), we were woken up that morning with a present and...... a big loaf of bread?

I mean a cake or what looked like a cake, sorry mom, dad. 

Both Art and I opened our presents. Mine was slightly bigger for some reason. There I saw a short sword, a bow, and a couple of arrows.....that were the size of a small stick. The same goes for the short sword and bow considering our age. 

What was surprising was they decided to celebrate our birthday now when they didn't celebrate it for the past 2 years. 

Art asked them seemingly unaware that I was thinking about the same thing. 

They say it was because babies have a low chance of surviving till the age of 3. Does that mean they didn't have faith in their children? 

That night I had a pretty weird dream, well it was an absolutely ridiculous one. 

In my dream I was in some sort of battlefield, there were dead bodies everywhere and by everywhere I mean everywhere! I then heard the sound of metal against metal, I searched for the source of the noise until I found 2 persons fighting. I couldn't see there faces because of the mist but I could here what they were saying.

"Why...WHY!? Why are you doing this Al? Why did you go down this path? We're brothers! We shouldn't be killing each other!" said the first voice.

"We were brothers. And Al? You call me by that name but it wouldn't matter anymore. After all you did side with them, if you didn't side with those weakling we could be the rulers of this world! But I guess you do have a sweet spot for her. I'll kill you and everyone in this wretched planet, after that my thirst will finally be satisfied." says the second voice.

"So I'm sorry about this Arthur, but you can't stop me now."

"Oh I will, after I beat some sense into you I'll make the old you come back." I could then see the first figure charging at the second figure in incredible speeds. 

"To slow, Amatersu!" 

Black fire then appears in front of the first figure, luckily he didn't get hit.


I could then see green and purple circuits coming from the second figures body. 

After that a giant explosion enveloped the area around them, I had no choice but to close my eyes.

As soon as I opened my eyes I saw that I was now awake with Arthur peacefully sleeping beside me. I looked out the window and noticed that it was still night time. 

That night I thought about the dream. The names Arthur and Al, those were the names me and Art have, was it a vision of the future? And if it was why did i turn against Arthur. No, I shouldn't think of that, after all this is just some stupid dream, what could possibly go wrong? it's not like it will come through right, right?

A few days after the dream mother started "teaching" us how to read and write. Arthur started playing the role of the genius so I soon followed after. Saying that mother was overjoyed that both of us were geniuses would be the understatement of the century. 

Father started teaching us the basics of mana manipulation training and body exercises. Although his explanations would go over that of a normal 3 year old's head.

The basics were basically like this, one's strength in mana can be judged by the color of their core which were: black, red, orange, yellow, silver and white. As your core gets purer it turns lighter. From the red to yellow the cores are separated into dark, solid and light. 

Thanks to mothers connections she managed to get some book about mana manipulation and fighting with different weapons. Since me and Art read the advanced books first she tried to make us read the basic ones first but with some convincing from me and Art she relented. 

Our normal days went as followed, reading and writing lessons from mom, then augmenting training, then physical training mainly running and basic training. 

In my free time I would either practice my conjuring since I learned that I have a massive amount of both mana veins and mana channels, sparring with Arthur, and practicing my bow. This went for almost a year until. 

"Honey I think it's best we get the boys a proper tutor." 

And that's it for the latest chapter! Sorry to make you guys wait but here it is

The King's brother from two worlds (A TBATE fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now