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Eleven years later

"Sage come on dinner is ready" Adam called out from the kitchen as he tried to balance all the dishes at once.

"I'm not hungry" Sage yelled back at him

"Well that's your problem, Who is going to eat all this?" Adam waves at the pile of food he had spent hours making.

Some edible and most not.

"I didn't ask you to make it, besides why is that looking like ugh" She eyes the food before turning to look at Adam "Are you trying to kill me?"

"Oh yes you did and I spent hours on that and maybe I'm not sure anymore"Adam yells pouting at her at her

"No I didn't" She gasp laughing

"Yes you did"

"No I didn't"

"Yes you did"

"Oops maybe I did and besides that is definitely not edible, I could die" She cries glaring at the dishes on the table.

"When did I turn to your inbuilt chef" Adam cries out in frustration, he felt like slamming his head on a wall till he passed out

"The moment I was born" Sage countered her emerald green eyes sparkle in mischief.

"You are lucky your mom was my best friend if not I'll starve you." Adam pouts his mind drifted off to the memory of sage scarfing down a burrito like a barbarian.

Sage places down her controller sad as the realization that she never got to meet the woman who had birth her, the woman who even after she died was able to make people cry upon thinking of her.

"What was my mom like?" Sage asked, her game long forgotten.

"I'm homeeeee" Denzel sings as he makes his way to Sage kissing her on the head.

"Hey baby, wait why are you crying?" He asked worriedly to Adam who had broken down upon remembering his best friend who was basically the sister he never had.

"Your mother was a bitch" Adam laughed as more tears poured out of his eyes as he remembers the time when sage would punch him for insulting pineapple on pizza or when she kicked him because he was taller than her.

Like how is it his fault, it's genes.

"What about Uncle Tommy no one has really said anything about him" She asked curious because she hadn't seen any pictures of her uncle she had only head stories.

"Oh my sweet child" Adam goes in to hug Sage "Tommy was too good for this world that he never even got to chance to live it but you my baby girl have that chance"

"What happened to him?" She asked.

"I really can't talk about it right now." Adams voice was quivering he could barely talk about sage with out crying it's been more than eleven years yet he couldn't get over it.

"Can I see her?, My mom" Sage asked with a hopeful glint in her eyes

"Yes, I'll take you there tomorrow"

Denzel watched his husband cry with his Goddaughter.

Sure he doesn't know much about sage but he knew she was an amazing person that he immediately warmed up to and took Her as his little sister.

She had fought against all odds giving birth to lil sage immediately she had given birth the doctors expected her to die because she had gone so long with out treatment but she fought, Sage fought to survive for six months after she gave birth to her little angel before she died.
Her lungs gave out she died on the couch after refusing to go to the hospital instead she requested one last movie night.

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