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I was freezing my tits off, after trying to retrace my step which I obviously couldn't, I think I am making it worse.

'Ya think' my subconscious voice snaps.

Stupid Xavier it is his fault if he had just reasoned like me I won't be in this situation.

'sure blame pretty boy for using your OWN legs' my subconsciousness says

'Oh shut up' I snapped back

Great I'm arguing with my mind just what I need.

Ugh what am I gonna do?.

I checked my pockets for my phone before groaning in frustration after realizing I left in my bag so I couldn't call for help, the snow had covered up my foot print so that one is out, all I have left is to check for any road maybe I could find my way back, my breathing was strained, my legs were becoming numb, my eye lashes heavy with snow, my nose red and stuffy right now I would trade everything to be with the guys right now.

Adam would most likely be making cocoa or something along the line of attempting to recreate Gordon Ramsey's master piece let me tell you if Ramsey actually ate the food he'll sue Adam for trying to poison him and curse him for destroying a delicate yet simple dish, scrambled eggs.

Yes Adam fucks up scrambled eggs I don't know how he manages to make it worse each time.

"Lord if you save me I swear no scratch that I can't swear to Jesus, I promise. Yes, I promise to give half my clothes to charity fuck it all of them please save me.'' my teeth clashed ferociously as I prayed, God works in mysterious ways and I know he doesn't want me to die yet I'm positive, I think.

"Shit" I cursed as I fell face first into the pile of snow that was almost to my knee, my legs has given up on me I can't even feel them. Crying isn't going to help as I am very sure that my tear ducts have been frozen shut, believe me I've tried. I hugged myself tightly while trying to stop myself from shaking.

My eyes were heavier than a pile of bricks slowly I drift out of consciousness.

"Peter get more water and tell Trina to stop the kids from yelling"

"MOM DYLAN SLAPPED ME" I hear someone scream

"NUH UH" another voice denied

"I hate you" was the last thing I heard before sound of struggling

"TRINA YOU HAD ONE JOB" Someone yelled really close to me before I felt a warm compress placed on my head

"Your kids are just stupid" came the voice of whom I believe belonged to Trina

"You do know you are also my kid, right?"

"But I am not stupid" argued the voice which I think belonged to Trina


"Mama why ok" Trina cries dramatically

"What do you want me to say?" the voice which belong to the person beside me asked

"You think I'm stupid don't you?" I could hear the shock in Trina's voice

"You failed the same class five times, I guess six times once you Dad gets the report cards" The voice I was sure belonged to Trina's mother says

"Ugh" Then I heard angry stomping feets before the noise dwindled.

My brain is crying

"Oh baby doll you are up" A beautiful brown eyed woman greets me her hair was packed up in a bun with few loose strands framing her round face

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