Girl Meets Boy

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Riley, Maya, and I were standing by our lockers when Lucas walked past us and sat on a bench. Riley took out her phone and began texting Lucas. Even though I also liked him I still kept my feelings concealed. I'm a guy I'm not supposed to feel this way about another guy so I put my efforts into making sure Riley was happy. "Talk to him." Maya said. "Why?" Riley asked. "We have a great text relationship."

"You know what's a better text relationship?" I asked. "What?" Riley asked. "Talk to him." Maya and I said in unison. Riley's phone made a noise and she looked at it. She showed it to us and then she replied to it. "He's right over there." Maya informed Riley. "No." Riley said. "Too complicated over there. Lots can go wrong over there. The only thing that can go wrong over here is if I go over there." Maya and I looked at Riley before pointing over to where Lucas sat. I took Riley's books from her and She walked over to where Lucas was sitting. She walked behind him and turned to look at us. 'Talk to him' Maya mouthed. Riley turned back to Lucas and Smelled him?. Maya waved Riley back to us.

Riley came back over to us. "How'd I do?" she asked. "You smelled him." I stated giving Riley back her books. "Yep." Riley replied. "You smelled him is what you did." Maya said. "I walk through like the way I walk through life." Riley told us. "Can we please talk about this?" Maya asked. Riley went back to her phone and typed something. I pulled out my phone feeling a vibration. "Nope." I said looking at the message Riley sent before walking into the classroom with Maya.


"You guys don't connect with each other." Dad started, holding up his phone. "It's like you can't exist without these. You use emoticons instead of emotions. You're an unfeeling generation of zombies." Maya, Riley, and I leaned into each other pretending to be zombies eating each other. "Stop eating each other." Dad commanded. We stopped and the door opened. A girl from the class walked in. "You're late, Miss Myzell." "My goldfish died." she replied monotonously.

"You see this is what I am talking about." Dad said putting his arms around her shoulder. "Miss Myzell has clearly suffered a tragic loss, yet she does not seem in touch with her emotions." "'Scuse me, I am crying my eyes out." she said. "I'm going to have to leave class early." She turned and walked out of the room. "Oh, she actually made it out the door this time." Dad said. "I actually made it out the door this time." she said excitedly as she walked back into the class.

"Dad, adjust and deal. Cell phones have been around since like forever." Riley told our father. "It'll amaze you to know that there was a whole time before you and cell phones." he said. "And it'll amaze you to know that I have three hundred and ninety-four friends in here." Riley said, tapping her phone. "And I'm amazed that you believe that." he said. He walked over to the chalkboard and drew a line. "This is a timeline of all human existence." Dad said pointing to the beginning of the line. "Starting here is everyone who's lived, laughed, loved, and understood the value of life. The cell phone era which begins right around here," he vertical line near the end, "pretty much destroys all that, way to go you."

Lucas raised his hand, "Sir, if I may take a different position." "Save me, Mr. Friar. Do I go too far?" My father asked. "Always, sir." Lucas answered and I nod in agreement. "I understand you point, but I use my phone to video chat my old friends and to find what's going on in Texas." "Yeah, how else can he keep up with all the hoedowns and cattle pageants?" I asked retorically in my best southern accent.

"Kayden." Riley said. "It's okay, Riley. I'm unaffected by Kayden's view of country life." Lucas said. "As my uncle Buster always says, 'Be like an eagle and soar above the mockingbird'." "You're the mockingbird." Maya chimed in. "I know." I said. I turned around making eye contact with Lucas. "It kills me to know I can't get to you." "Sorry, Sir" Lucas apologized, tipping his invisible hat. I turned around giving an aggravated groan. The fact that I couldn't even faze him made me more attracted to him.

Seeing The World In Color (Girl Meets World Seasons 1-3)Where stories live. Discover now