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It's been a month when Jungkook join Crowns University. Him, Jin, Lisa, Jimin, Hoseok and Rose are best friend now. And the Jeon Jungkook will reveal his face tomorrow.

"Guys did Jeon Jungkook invite you?" Jackson came running to them "Yes" They said, "He gave the invitation last week" Lisa said they look at her "WHAT?!?!" they shout, and she look at them confused "Why?" she asks, "But he just gave his invitation to us today" Hwasa said "Mom and dad are buying expensive suits and dresses for tomorrow" Taehyung said sighing. (Rose, Jimin, Hoseok and Jin are not there yet)

The door suddenly open and Jungkook came in view. He walks to his seat, putting the book in his table and sit. Lisa goes to him and sit beside him. She snatches the book he is reading "Kook I heard you give the invitation today" she whispers so no one can hear him "Yes I give them today, but I gave yours earlier" She just nod and look what Jungkook reading "Why are you reading this book when it is Japanese words and what is the title?" Lisa asks (From now on I will put Jungkook in first person so I will use 'I')

"Did you forget that I know 25 languages and the title is 'Snow country by Yasunari Kawabata'" (I love that book) I said

"Oh yeah. Hehe sorry I forgot" she said. They were talking until someone bang his hand on their table. They look who is it and it is Jackson who bang their table, but the others are there too. "Umm what do you need?" Lisa asks, "Nothing we just want to know what you are talking" Jisoo said, and they sit in front of them.

"We are just talking about what is Kook reading" Lisa said, and I nod. Sana snatches the book, and the others look at it "Why is this book are in Japanese words?" Mark said frowning. They give me the book and they look at me "So Jungkook how are you so far?" Namjoon ask me "I'm good. I like this school" I said "Of course you like this school because this is your first time to enter rich school" Jennie said, and I frowned.

After a while, they go back to their seat. The professor came in and start his lesson.

"Okay that is for today and don't forget your exam on Monday" The professor said and go. Everyone sighs. "Why do we have exam on Monday I hate it" Lisa said, "Why do you hate it?" I ask, "Because I need to study" She said pouting, I laugh at her she looks at me "You know your lucky." She said "Why?" I ask her, "You are smart, and you memorize it all of the lesson. And ..." Lisa thinks what she will say "And?" I ask her and squeal loudly. Everyone look at he "I'm lucky because I am sitting beside you" I look at her confuse "Cause your SMART" she said. She jumps happily and sing 'I'm luck'.

We decide to our next lesson which is Music. We must find a partner there and Lisa is my partner. The teacher is there. "Good morning class. I hope you prepare your music today." She spoke. "I'm nervous" I said calming myself. Lisa laughs at me "Yah are you not nervous?" I ask her, she stop laughing and look at me. This time I am the one who laugh "Okay last but not the list is Lisa and Jungkook" The teacher said. We stand up and go forward. I grab the guitar and sit on the stool while Lisa is standing. I start playing it. Everyone becomes quiet. 

(Jungkookthe vocal and Lisa is the rapper)

When we finish it, everyone got surprised until they got back at their sense and clap at us. We bow at them go to our sit. "That is beautiful song, and can I ask who write it?" The teacher asks "It's Jungkook" Lisa quickly say, and everyone got surprised "Really. I must say you got a passion in music" I smile at her.

Tae's pov

I'm excited to know who is Jeon Jungkook. This is my time to know him and get friend with him. But I have a problem again. I always see my mom excited. Maybe because the Jeons announcement.

She even bought many gifts. Does someone have a celebration this weeks. I frown and think what celebration this week but I can't think of none beside the Jeons.

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