10k mini special :) -- not related to canon at all

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hello thank you for 10k reads yippee woo woo hooray poggers

have a minispecial of callum and ranboo <3

[ genre - fluff i think ]

[ general summary - cal n noel go to a haunted house ]

[ warnings - haunted house things lmfao and cringe as fuck ]

[ reason - i fucking felt like it motherfuckers ]

bro this shit is the cringiest thing ive ever written. also ive never been to a haunted house, only through a halloween themed maze and that shit scared the life out of me. I was basically like ranboo is in this: crying and screaming because god i hate scary things LMFAOJDIFJ so thats my only experience pls dont judge my haunted house assumptions


Everyone knows gays love Halloween.

Now, obviously, this is stereotyping. And nobody likes stereotyping. But...it's also usually true. Not always; there are plenty of gays who hate Halloween.

Just...not these ones.

Callum was dressed as a knight, with plastic armor and a foam sword.

Ranboo was dressed as a prince, with a ruffle-y off-white dress shirt and his crown.

It was Noel's idea to go to the haunted house, and Callum had agreed because he didn't particularly mind scary things.

Noel, who was usually quite calm and composed, was like a little kid the moment they stepped inside. Fucking terrified.

A ghost went 'boo' from a wall and Noel inched closer to Callum.

A person wearing a hockey mask holding a "bloody" chainsaw jumped out and while Callum yelped and stepped back, Noel shrieked and clutched Callum's arm. The chainsaw revved and there was a growl of intimidation from the serial killer.

Callum snorted when the serial killer just laughed and walked off.

Noel remained attached to Callum's arm for the next few minutes, apprehensively searching for any new jumpscares. 

The next one was a woman dressed as a vampire throwing a plush bat at the pair with a hiss, which made Noel squeak in fear and literally tackle Callum in his attempt to get away.

Callum groaned in mild pain as he realized he was on the floor and his plastic armor hadn't done shit for him. Noel was latched onto him like a koala, and as Callum stood up, Noel tightened his grip around Callum's leg.

"This was a bad idea," Noel whimpered as a scream echoed from somewhere in the haunted house. He flinched as he realized his leg was tangled in a fake spiderweb.

"This is fun!" Callum happily disagreed, beginning the slow walk that involved dragging Noel's entire weight with one leg and walking freely with the other. 

They walked into a dead end and discovered a large skeleton, making Noel scream in horror because it was quite sudden.

Noel was actually crying. Callum felt bad as he realized it by Noel's tears soaking his leg.

"Aw." Callum expressed mild empathy and crouched down, meeting Noel's teary eyes. Poor dude could handle horror games (with some difficulty) but not real life jumpscares.

"I don't like this." Noel mumbled. "Why did I think this would be fun."

"Oh, it is fun." Callum dismissively waved his hand, but frowned when he realized Noel was genuinely upset.

"Wanna piggyback ride?" Callum offered. Noel visibly perked up and agreed, awkwardly clambering onto Callum's back.

His height made it awkward, but they made it work. Noel buried his head into Callum's neck and just kinda sat there and let Callum carry him the rest of the way.

"You're really my knight in shining armor now." Noel commented weakly with a grin.

Callum ignored the heat that flew to his face and sighed.

"Your knight in plastic armor, more like." But the smile on his face gave him away, and Noel was happy enough for the rest of their haunted house excursion. 

Especially when it was over, although he refused to detach from Callum's back.


Callum didn't really mind it either.

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