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rewriting!!! i cant stand the argument its so bad

i looked up reasons for couples to argue and none of thenm wroekd with these two so....

hash tag re writign the argument to be............COMPLETELY DIFFERENT I JUST GOT AN IDEA IT'S ALSO REALLY BAD BUT IT'S NOT NEARLY AS BAD SO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I LOVE OCONFLICT!!! no i dont but its importat to mein thisstory so!!!

i cant spell 

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Things went wrong after an hour.

Now, to be clear, it went wonderful for the first hour. As soon as the sun was down, Noel didn't even bother to hide how fondly he smiled at Callum; it wasn't like the latter could see it anyway.

It was when Callum suggested they split up that everything went wrong.

"If we split up, we can get double the candy!" Callum beamed. Noel shrugged.

"Alright, but we have to stick together!" He insisted. "One after the other."

Callum nodded in agreement, and they started on their quest for candy.

Unfortunately, that was where things went wrong.

Because somehow, Noel was a lot faster than Callum.

It didn't take long for Callum to be completely lost, which was, well, an issue.

He reached for his phone and texted Noel nervously.

callum <33: noel??? bro where did you go lmao
[read: 9:47pm]
callum <33: answer me im scared noel
[read: 9:48pm]
callum <33: Noel i dont know where ia m 
[read: 9:49pm]
callum <33: noel didk i do something wrgn
[read 9:49pm]
callum <33: noel pelsse im scraed please  help eme
[read: 9:49pm]
callum <33: neol hejl lp em im lsto i dont knwo wherei am
callum <33: its s s dopd ark im so sidcared p=ehjp me
[read: 9:50pm]

noel!!! is typing...

noel!!!: Who is this? Stop sending so many messages.

[read: 10:00pm]

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