// 19 //

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a/n: it's just a body of years that i leave all alone it's just a body of years now a pile of bones like a sheet of veneer each a piece of my soulllllllll /ly

i liek mother mother :)

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Callum opened the door and winced as it creaked loudly. He almost laughed as he imagined the sad creak was the house telling him it missed him, but obviously houses are inanimate objects and this was simply not true.

What was true, however, was that his aunt and uncle had not been informed of his...extended stay...and although they had probably figured out that Callum was going to stay over a little extra late at Noel's house, they were likely pissed.

Sure enough, Callum entered the living room to find his uncle fast asleep and his aunt glaring at him.

"Callum Burns." Her voice was full of worry and anger. "Where the hell have you been?"

Now, Claire and Garrett were old as fuck. Not, like, really old, but a bit older than Callum and Tommy's parents.

So seeing them swear was, suffice it to say, unusual.

"Uh, I--" Callum swallowed hard, nervous as to Claire's reaction. "I was at Noel's house. The, uh, the cute boy I mentioned a while back, the one who's friends with Tommy."

Claire's expression was unreadable.

"...did you two kiss?"


"Did you kiss him?" Claire repeated.

Callum laughed nervously.

"No?" He raised an eyebrow. "Why would I?"

"Don't play dumb with me, boy, I can see it in your face." Claire rolled her eyes. "You like him, obviously."

"I appreciate his company," Callum clarified. "If I had the chance, I--"

...would he kiss Noel, if given the chance?

He knew he had an itty bitty crush, but would he really?

"...okay, yeah, I'd probably kiss him if I could."

"What's stopping you?" Claire huffed. "I want adopted grandbabies already."

Callum choked on a laugh. Partially because WHAT THE FUCK but also...aw. She said grandchildren, not grandnephews/nieces. 

She considered Callum her son.

That made Callum glow with pride.

"Uh, sorry for...staying out late." He changed the subject hurriedly. "I lost track of time."

Claire was visibly resisting the urge to make a weird joke. It was evident in her strained expression. The best part of having excessively progressive guardians was that they were really fuckin' funny.

"...it's okay." Claire managed to get out past the urge to make whatever stupid joke she would probably make if Callum and Noel were not literal children. "But next time you stay out late without telling me and then come home without having kissed him, you're grounded."

Callum raised an eyebrow. 

"...so if I were to stay out till 4am without telling you, but kissed him, it would be ok?"

"Yes, get with the program here, Callum." Claire scoffed. "I'm trying to give you incentive here to kiss him. Jesus."

Callum laughed.

Claire really was...incredibly good at acting younger than she was.

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