Chapter 3 - Flying Lessons

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Draco's POV

'Everybody step up to the left side of your broom.' Madam Hooch instructed. 

I rolled my eyes. Such beginners. I thought. I have been practicing quidditch my whole life. To me this is just boring.

'Stick your right hand over the broom and say up.'

My broom came up to my hand immediately. I smirked to myself. I'm just a natural. I look over at the pathetic Gryffindors trying to get their brooms up. Surprisingly Daphne had already got hers up. 

Pretty good for a muggle. I mused.

She looked over at me weirdly, and i realised i was smiling. Stop it Draco, as i internally slapped myself. 

Everyone mounted their brooms just like Hooch said. Suddenly a yelp came from behind me. Longbottom again. I thought to myself and laughed.  He was dangling from his broom. It was going crazy, out of control. 

I was howling with laughter as he landed with a thump. 

Madam Hooch rushed the wimp to the hospital wing, leaving us 1st years alone. 

Daphne's POV

'Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd have remembered to fall on his fat arse.' 

Malfoy stood in the centre of all of us. Showing us the rememberal he picked up. I frowned. He's such a jerk. I wanted to do something, but i was scared. 

'Give it here Malfoy,' Harry stepped forward with a firm look on his face.

I admired Harry for his bravery, for he did something I could never do. But the 2 idiotic boys mounted their brooms and took off. 'What an Idiot.' Hermione muttered. 

Draco threw the rememberal and Harry zoomed on his broom and caught it just in time. I cheered for harry just like everyone else. I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug. 'That was amazing!' I exclaimed.

Harry smiled warmly. But the celebrating stopped immediately as McGonagall led Harry away from the crowd. 

Draco and his 2 goons laughed. 'Got what he deserved that show-off.' 

I rolled my eyes at him. Ron Hermione and I shoved past him angrily to our next class. 'Stupid Mudbloods!' He called out to me.

I felt tears coming up my eyes but I held onto Hermione's hand. Ron put  his arm around me as we walked away. 


That night I got a quick response from Mimi. I loved her so much. She was the only family I have. 

Hey Daph!

So glad to hear you are doing alright. I see you've made a fair bit of friends! How did your first few lessons go? Hermione should come over to our house for a few fun nights in the holidays don't you think?

I'm so sad I won't be able to see you during Christmas break. I would be very busy and I think you would enjoy holidays better at your wondrous school.

Also, screw that little cockroach. He isn't worth your time. If anyone makes you feel uncomfortable or unworthy of something you tell me and I'll drive my way to Hogwarts and find that son of a bitch and beat him up. I don't care if I have to crawl 1600 miles but I will if anyone hurts my niece. 

Just be careful darling. If things get out of hand tell some teacher. I love you baby.  You'll do great in the Wizarding World, I'm sure of it. Tell me any updates.

Love you lots


I laughed at her paragraph regarding Draco, I showed it to Hermione and she was snorting. We both knew he wasn't worth our time. 

Truth Hurts -Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now