Chapter 7

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The next day I woke up with Maria in my face staring at me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked while sitting up.

"How do you have such clear skin?" I looked at her, my eyes narrowed and staring.

"Are you fucking serious? You woke me up to ask how fucking clear my skin is?" I was angry, the one time I could actually sleep without being called to make breakfast this bitch wakes me up to ask how fucking clear my skin is.

"W-Well no, I-I was asked to show you around, but when I came over I couldn't help but notice your clear skin. But we should get going. There is a lot to cover and you will only get today free. Your test results are to be out by tomorrow, it would usually take longer but we have very advanced tech- w-where are you going?"

"Away from you. You talk a lot." I said, already going through the door. I just wanted to be far away from her.

Showing me where the shower is she gave me some clothes to try on. After showering, she introduced me to some girls at breakfast.

"You can't tell me that, they are very cheeky and monkeys can do sign language which means they're evolving." The two girls who Maria introduced me to, Eva and Sofia, were currently arguing if animals could talk about which one will be the rudest, Eva says monkeys and Sofia says cats.

"That's a very dumb explanation, cats are very feisty with a bit of a temper, therefore, they would be the rudest and those are chimpanzees not all monkeys know sign language you dumb bitch." Sofia stated. I rolled my eyes, taking another bite of my cheese.

"Fu-" Eva was ready to jump at Sofia when Maria decided to cut in. I honestly was enjoying this entertainment.

"Okay I think that's enough for today, would you all like to come with me and Viktoria, I am showing her around." 

"We would love to," Sofia said while having a stare-off with Eva.

"Well then let's go. Viktoria. Viktoria. VIKTORIA." 

I felt something hit my head. I turned around to see Maria glaring at me.

"Did you not hear me call you?" She asked with an angry expression.

"You were?"

"Yes. Is Viktoria not your name?"

"What, of course, it is." I fake laugh to make it not suspicious. 

After about a minute of her trying to read my face, she smiled and walked away. I'm honestly thinking she's fake. Letting out a sigh I hurried to catch up to her.

"As I said yesterday this is the main building where everyone stays. It is optional, you could own a house but it must be close to here. Other than that you stay here. Over five hundred rooms are on each level."

She turned to me with a smile.

"There are twenty-two floors minus the floors below the main floor. Floor one to two is used for our prisoners or let's just say the bad people who are in cages. Three to four are our interrogation rooms. Floors five to six is where we keep all our weapons, as well as where we train. Floor seven is where we enter therefore all levels below are unknown to prying eyes. Floor seven is also where the food is served, where the bosses have their meetings and the main hall."

"What's the main hall for?" We stopped walking.

"The main hall is used for meetings with all the members. It's also where we hold our balls, galas, and other events." Sofia twirled and had to pretend that she was in a gown.

"As I was saying Floor eight is used for games we might be in a mafia but we get bored very easily. Then from floor nine to twenty-one, we have the rooms and other stuff that are not so important. Floor twenty-two is restricted to only the Volkov family and the two pets." Rolling her eyes at the last words.

"Oh and the higher you are in ranking the higher you are on the floors. So if you're on floor twenty-one you are special. Any floor below twenty you are just a regular member. We are on floor eleven, but as long as you are not among the restricted floors you have no power." 

"What happens when you go on the restricted floors?" I was feeling very tempted. I was always told that I would do anything even if it gets me killed but I am more of an I just don't care what happens kinda girl.

They looked at me with uneasy eyes.

"Viktoria I know you're new here and all but that's a big no. If we- If YOU were caught there, you will be killed. It's restricted for a reason and even if you want to you could only get through with their handprint, thumbprint, and eye scan. THAT'S HOW RESTRICTED IT IS. It's honestly not worth it." Sofia had anger written all over her face

"I wasn't gonna do it, I was just wondering that's all." I smiled it off and we went on to explore.

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