Chapter 11

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I was still seated in the chair unsure of what to say. 

"So you're my father" I looked at him waiting for an answer.

"I'm not positive. I want a paternity test." He looked at me with no sign of emotion.

"My name, it's Annika by the way." 

"Of course she names you that. I was tired of having boys one after the other. I thought the junior down there was broken. I told her that if we have a girl I want to name her Annika. She isn't alive, is she? If she was for some reason you and I wouldn't be here talking like this."

"I'm sorry she was killed when I was seven." I looked the other way not wanting to look him in the eyes.

"We tell no one about this until I get the test back." He turned and walked out of the room. A minute later I went back to the rooms. Walking in I was immediately tackled by hands.

"Are you okay?"

"What happened?"

"Are you one of us now?"

"I'm fine, they just wanted to know more about me." I glared at Maria, she rolled her eyes.

"Are you sure?" I nodded and moved to sit on the couch. It was still early which means I would have to do my next task soon. I was taught how to fight from the second my mom knew I could walk. I started with the basics going up to fighting till death. I never understood why I was taught how to fight as I grew up. I thought it was for safety reasons but now, everything is just clearer. Maria came up in front of me with clothes in one hand and the other on her hip.

"Here this will be easier to fight in. We should be the same size." Taking the clothes it was a black sleeve sports bra with the straps going crisscross at the back and black leggings. I walked out of the room without saying thank you as she deserved it.  

Coming out of the bathroom I walked to the training room remembering where it was the day Maria showed us. Turning onto the next hallway I bumped into another fucking brick. 

"Watch where you're fucking going." His hazel eyes glaring at me.

"Am sorry, I must have missed the animals roaming around the hallway sign." Looking around for a sign.

He scoffed " I've never seen you around here and seeing how you're dressed like that your partner is either into gym girls or you're going to the training room which means you are doing your second task." His eyebrows arched.

"Huh, animals are smart." I tried to walk past him but he blocked me.

"I'm Alexi, what's your name?" Alexi Volkov. I stayed silent.

"Well, I am heading towards the training room where we could go together." He had a sly smirk.

"Fine." I scoffed and walked away.

Walking into the room Alexi was trailing behind. I found it weird when every girl going up to him he would ignore them resulting in me getting dirty looks and me being a complete bitch smiled back. Alexi came up to me with his arms behind his back. 

"Good luck." He smiled then walked over to some guys by the mats.

I looked around spotting Ivan talking with the two dumb heads. Making my way over Ivan spotted me and stopped talking. 

"Well hello, Ass monkey, dingbat, and what's your name again."

"Bonehead." He said, I nodded.

"Let's get this over with. You see that ring over there." Pointing at the big fighting ring on the left side of the room.

"You and some other newbies will be fighting in that." Looking to the right of the ring roughly about twenty girls were talking amongst themselves.

"I thought we were gonna start with the basics."

"This is the mafia we don't do basic. Come on." I rolled my eyes, such an asshole.

Walking towards the girls I went to the back not wanting to get into conversation with anybody. I just simply don't wanna talk.

"Okay, girls here is how it goes, two girls in the ring you fight the one standing goes on and whichever girl is the last one standing among all of you will fight one of our strongest men you lose you fight with us you win your one step closer to fighting with the Volkov's." Ivan picked two girls to be in the ring.

"Oh, you either surrender, or you fight till death."

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