30 - it's time

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"Kim, Kim Turner,"
Chapter 30 : it's time

"Kim, Kim Turner,"----------------Chapter 30 : it's time

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That's the only thing I feel.

Pain, everything hurts. My head hurts. My back hurts. My arms hurt. My stomach hurts. My legs hurt, and my heart hurts. But my heart does not physically hurt, no there is nothing wrong with my heart. My heart hurts, because of everything that has happened lately. It hurts because of the mean comments at school, hurts because my brothers didn't believe me, hurts because everything is too much. Everything is too much, the bucket is full and I am about to break down.

When I just woke up, in the hospital bed, All alone, I remembered everything. And it would be a lie if I said I'm not afraid, because I'm scared to death. I know he's going to come and get me, I know it won't be long before it happens, and I'm so scared. Just the thoughts...

I don't know what's going to happen when he catches me, I don't know what he's going to do when he finds me, I don't know when he finds me, but I know that he finds me.

I hear voices in the hallway, loud voices, familiar voices. And I know it's my brothers. My heart warms at the thought of them being here for me, but my heart hurts again when I think of what happened. They didn't believe me! They didn't even give me a chance to tell the truth! They didn't even want to hear my side of the story, they didn't even ask me what really happened. They chose that pink fake bimbo over their sister. Their very blood sister. And that hurts, much more than anything else.... he did to me. My own brothers chose a plastic barbie doll over me, and I will never forgive them for that.

Okay probably someday, but I'm not going to make it easy for them.

The voices soften and then there is a knock at the door. I don't answer. I cross my arms and look the other way at the door. For a few seconds nothing happens, and then I hear whispering voices.

"Maybe she's still asleep?" I hear a voice whisper softly, I don't know who is saying this. Something is whispered again, but it is too soft to hear.

"Just open the door," sounds Riccardo's gruff voice, I hear the door open but keep looking sideways, at the dull white wall. I hear their footsteps coming closer.

"Eleanor?" Sounds Emilio's voice softly. I ignore him and keep looking at the wall. There is a sigh.

"Eleanor I get that you are angry but can you please look at us so we can see if you are okay?" Sounds Emilio's voice again. Ugh why does his voice sound so sweet? I hesitate for a moment, I should be angry and make it very difficult for them, but have you ever been able to ignore Emilio when he talks so sweetly? It's impossible. So I sigh deeply and finally turn my head their way. My eyebrows form a frown when I see them. Emilio, Matteo and Riccardo. Where are the others? Why aren't they here? I take a closer look at my brothers, they look bad, tired.

All three of them look at me inquiringly, then Emilio sighs and walks closer to the bed. With my eyes I follow his movements. He approaches and stands next to me, quietly lowering himself through his knees so that he is crouched next to the hospital bed. He looks me straight in the eyes and gently takes my hands in his.

"Principessa, I understand that you are angry. Very angry, at me and at your other brothers. And I am angry too, at myself dear. And words cannot describe how much I am sorry, and I am really sorry Principessa. Really very sorry, I don't know what came over me. I thought..." Emilio shakes his head and looks at my hands in his , his thumb rubs circles on the back of my hand. "I'm really very sorry Principessa, really. And I'm going to do everything I can to make it up to you, I have no reason why I let you down like that, I just am a bad brother. But I hope one day you will be able to forgive me," There is silence as I take in his words. But someone had to break the silence again.

"A little bit dramatic," Riccardo mutters. Emilio ignores him and looks at me pleadingly.

"Can you forgive me Principessa?" Emilio whispers softly. Pretending to think, I pull my hands from Emilio's, causing him to look sadly at his hands.

"Mhm I forgive you-" I begin. Emilio's eyes grow big with surprise and something glitters in his eyes.

"Really?" He asks in surprise. I nod my head.

"Yes, on one condition," immediately the smile goes off Emilio's face and he looks at me pleadingly.

"What is it? I'll do anything for you," Emilio begs. Anything huh.

"I want you to go get me food, this hospital food is not to be eaten," I say pointing to the tray of food standing somewhere. Emilio laughs.

"For a moment I thought you were going to make me walk down the street in duck underpants," Emilio says with relief.

"Don't give her any ideas Emilio," Matteo's voice rings out. Emilio rolls his eyes and stands up, looking at me, hesitating. Now it's my turn to roll my igen.

"Just give me a hug," Emilio doesn't let me say that twice, he gently wraps his arms around me and pulls me against him.

"Okay now that all is forgotten and forgiven it's time," Riccardo says quickly, Emilio detaches himself from me and sends Riccardo a look.

"Davvero Riccardo? Si è appena svegliata e già le chiedi di parlare? Dare aar tempo di respirare", Emilo says, Riccardo rolls his eyes. Seriously Riccardo? She just woke up and you're already going to ask her to talk? Give aar time to breathe*

"Anche tu vuoi sapere la verità," *You want to know the truth too*

"Time for what?" I ask, as Emilio and Riccardo just stare at each other. Matteo sighs and comes over to me, sitting down on the foot of the bed next to my legs.

"Time to tell us the truth Eleanor, from the beginning." Says Matteo softly. I feel all the blood draining from my face

"What are you talking about?" I ask innocently.

"We know you weren't in an orphanage, we know about your scars and we know about the stalker, Eleanor we want you to tell us the truth so we can help you," Riccardo says with a soft voice.

I think it's time.


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Be ready

You know, i love clifhangers they are so much fun to do, like really clifhangers are fun right?

Reminder : you can do this, i believe in you <3

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