Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Truths of lies

Chapter Text
Nervous was an understatement. Ranboo was terrified. Punz seemed to somehow know about his journals he's been trying to send to Tommy- Dream seemed to be leaving the doors wide open, this is obviously a trap .

If Ranboo goes in alone Dream would kill him on the spot- need we even mention the fate of Mexican Dream?

He had been hiding this long enough.

L'Manburg is no longer in shambles.

He can talk to Tubbo about this.

He can do this.

Ranboo double checks that he has all the journals in his inventory before finding Tubbo.

He had everything.

He just needs to open the door.

That's going to be difficult, my arms are full

Ranboo kicks the door open lightly with his foot.

"Oh hello Ranboo- oh my god that's a lot of books!!" Tubbo rushes over to help Ranboo from toppling over.

"We need to talk-"

"Yea we do! Why do you have all these books?? Did you raid a library of all its material?"

"I- no. It's about Tommy." Ranboo set the stacks of books he had on the desk, the big THUD of the books echoing slightly in the room.

"What about Tommy?" It was under Tubbo's knowledge that Tommy was doing completely fine. Tubbo trusted his sources.

"Okay- So I've been trying to reach him every day. And after the first two months of communication- something happened."

"What was it?"

"Someone kept stealing the books, or blowing up the chests. Or sicking Gasts and Blazes on me to prevent me from reaching Tommy."

"W-what?? I- maybe that was Tommy. That does seem like something he would do if he didn't want to talk to people. Haha." Tubbo wasn't liking the hinted implications of this conversation.

"No," Ranboo shook his head and grabbed a book, " You see these tell a different story."

"Ranboo, I don't know If I could read all that you know I'm dyslexic."

"Yes of course! That's why I've selected these three important ones." He held out 3 books in his slender enderman hands.

"You only brought all the other books to get my attention didn't you?"

"That was the point, yes." Ranboo nodded his head as he handed the first book to Tubbo.

Tubbo sighed and opened the book.

It was very much written by Tommy and Ranboo- Tubbo couldn't help but smile as he imagined hearing Tommy bicker about snapchat and girls jokingly. He seemed so lively in this. Something about building a place called Logstishire, a prime log, and a tent Ghostbur named "Tenret".

Tommy seemed fine and happy.

Tubbo opened his mouth to speak

"That was the first day of the exile." Ranboo said as he took the book from Tubbo's hands.

The next book was a bit concerning. Tommy was still Tommy, but you could feel the loneliness seeping out of his words. This loneliness doesn't suit you big man.

"That was three weeks into the exile"

Tubbo gulped, not liking were the entries seemed to be leading too.

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