Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Hold Back
Hey check out the animation for this au!
[yes that's my youtube]

also my tumble,,, wich has art for this au

Chapter Text
Ranboo was having a surprisingly difficult time holding Tubbo back.


"RANBOO AS YOUR PRESIDENT I'M ORDERING YOU TO LET ME GO." Tommy needed help- If Tubbo could just grab him he might be able to save Tommy before it was too late!

"Tubbo! I can't do that right now!" Ranboo was as distraught as Tubbo was but he wasn't willing to lose two friends on the same day.

"HE'S RIGHT THERE!" Tubbo stopped fighting as tears clouded his vision, "He was right there..." he fell down onto his knees and hands, Tommy was right there.

Everything happened so fast.

If they only had gong in the portal 5 minutes before.




It was moments like this that the world was reminded that they were all just kids.

Kids forced into roles they were not suited for.

Tubbo had a country to run and now he had to comprehend the fact that his best friend just killed himself.

Ranboo was just a few years older than Tubbo and was still faring no better.

"Oh god he's, he's really gone." Ranboo ran his clawlike fingers through his hair. "Oh god." Ranboo found himself sitting down next to Tubbo.

Ranboo could feel tears well up in his eyes.

What were they supposed to do? What does anyone do after witnessing something like that?

Tubbo has seen death before- he's been in several wars. He saw Wilbur get stabbed by his father- he's been executed by Technoblade, he witnessed Tommy lose his first and second life.

This was too much.

It was getting hard to breathe.

Tubbo ran.

He ran towards the portal- but not the main hub portal.

Please tell me this is some sick joke-

He has to be on his island.

Tubbo was met with the harsh cold winds of the island. Why was it so much colder over here!?

"Tommy had to have a totem- he was just playing around- he can't be-"

Tubbo couldn't find him.

He couldn't find him in any tents.

He couldn't find him anywhere in Logstishire.

Ranboo emerges out of the portal "Tubbo what are y- God it's cold! What the hell?" I didn't realize how cold an island could get during the fall!

Tubbo was in the house.

"Tubbo we need to go, what are-" There was a beautiful picture of L'manburg on the wall.

"It was turned over." Tubbo was having too many emotions right now, "Ranboo- he, he thought we- Ranboo I abandoned him."

Ranboo wanted to tell Tubbo he was wrong, but deep down Ranboo agreed with him.

"Tubbo someone was preventing people from visiting him. He-... There was no way we could have... sigh " Ranboo was at a loss of words. He might have better composure then Tubbo- but he too was feeling the full force of the emotional impact.

"I just, how could..." Tubbo sat on the bed with his head in his hands, the bed was still warm. The bed had Tommy's sent.

Dam it, he could almost convince himself Tommy was just in another room- Tubbo heard something crinkle in the bed. What?

Tubbo moved the many many wool blankets over to the other side.

There was a cirkled old picture in the bed.

Tubbo held the picture in hand.

He unfolded it.

It was them.

It was the original members of L'manburg- taken before the war with the Dream SMP.

He kept it. Tubbo felt like his heart was being smashed into pieces over and over again today.

"He crossed over everyone's face except yours," Ranboo said as he looked over Tubbos shoulder. Somehow It hurt more seeing that Tommy crossed out his own face as well.

Tubbo felt himself choking up.

He wanted to cry.

Both Ranboo and Tubbo just needed to cry.

The two sat hugging each other as they silently cried over their deceased friend.






A body was being dragged along the gravel shore of the Nether.

A very burnt body.


But still alive.

Dream flopped down onto the gravel.

Empty potion bottles lay broken along the shore.

Dream sighed and took off his mask to wipe his brow. It's been a while since he's pulled something that risky.

All that mattered right now is that Tommy was alive.

Tommy was completely broken now.

He thinks he has nothing left to live for.

Dream can use him as a weapon now.

Tommy will have one thing to live for.

To serve under Dream.

To be Dreams loyal friend

Maskinnit Au || FINISHED || OG By Kenji_Arts || Where stories live. Discover now