048. 𝒂𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒖𝒔

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4x15 Stand By Me

Kalani walks into the Gilbert house as Stefan and Elena head upstairs with Jeremy's body. When she woke up he was dead on his lap and no matter how much blood she fed him he didn't wake up.

Soon she's on the porch with Stefan who hands her, her pills and water. "Are you okay?" Stefan asks as Kalani places her head on his shoulder. "What is that?" She asks getting up from her seat. "Is it Jeremy?" Kalani asks recognizing the smell from her parents. From finding her father's dead body.

"Yeah, he's decomposing," Stefan says, and Kalani falls to her knees reaching for the nearest plant and throwing up. "It's okay," Stefan says gently rubbing the girl's back as tears roll down her cheeks.

"I didn't realize you were close with him," Stefan says when he hands her a glass of water. "I use to babysit him when we were little," she says sitting on the bench. "We're all going to die, aren't we? Alex, Adelaide, and Jeremy all died. Who's next? Ginny? Max? Me? We could all die at any moment," Kalani explains. "I'm afraid for us," she adds. "Me too. You should talk to her," Stefan speaks up.

"Yeah," Kalani says getting up and finishing her water before heading in. "Lena," she calls as Elena walks up to her. "Kalani," she says embracing her sister. "He's gone," she says and Kalani rubs her back. "I know. Come with me," Kalani says taking the girl's hand.

They sit out on the porch as Stefan walks in. "Are you gonna give me a big speech?" Elena asks and Kalani laughs. "No, but I will apologize for throwing up in your plant. Stefan threw it away," Kalani explains.

"It's fine. I have a question," Elena says as Kalani faces her. "Do you think he'll come back?" Elena asks as Kalani sighs. "No, not really. I hope he will. I hope he'll come back and be fine but that's not gonna happen," Kalani says before Damon's car pulls up as he and Bonnie walk up to them.

Bonnie and Elena head inside and Stefan walks out to Kalani and Damon. "That nutty professor has her totally brainwashed," Damon says referring to Bonnie. "What are you talking about?" Kalani questions. "The whole flight home she talked about how she was the only one who could drop the veil between this side and the other side," Damon explains.

"It means every supernatural being is going to come back to life and bite us in the ass," Kalani adds. Damon and Stefan head back in as Kalani plays with her necklace. Bonnie and Matt walkout. Bonnie glances at her before walking out of the house.

Kalani lets out a breath before she hears yelling in the house. She rushes in to see Elena pouring gasoline everywhere. "Elena," Kalani says rushing up to her sister.

"There's nothing here for me. Everyone is dead," Elena says crying as she falls to her knees repeating the words "It hurts," and Kalani's heart aches for her. "It's okay," Kalani says falling to her knees with her. "No, it's not. My family is dead and so is yours. We're alone, there's no one left for us. It's just you and me. Alex is dead and your friends left and Ric and Jeremy are dead. Uncle John and Jenna, your parents and mine. Everyone is gone," Elena says and Kalani is crying with her.

The two sisters are on the ground crying as Damon walks up to them. "Help them," Stefan says and Damon looks at the two. "I can help you guys," he says moving down to their level. "Turn it off," Damon says look g at them. "Turn your humanity off," he adds.

𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒, 𝑏𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑡 Where stories live. Discover now