Chapter One: Glass Slipper

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"Guys...I think I'm in love." Mikey says all of the sudden in a McDonald's.

I do a spit take with my soda and Draken just stares at him blankly, "That poor girl."

Mikey ignores his friend and turns his attention onto me, "Takemitchy, you're in love, right?"

"Yeah, I'd like to think so..." 

"Well, how did you feel when you knew you were in love with Hinata?" He asks. 

"Let's see...I felt anxious but almost in an excited sort of way whenever I saw her. I looked forward to seeing her but at the same time I was terrified of embarrassing myself in front of her. It's almost like anticipating a rollercoaster ride." I attempt to explain this strange new emotion to the inexperienced Mikey. "Do we know her? What's her name?"

"I don't know." He states matter of factly.

"What do you mean you don't know? What kind of an idiot are you?" Draken asks in exasperation.

"I didn't get to ask her for her name. She got away from me." He answers.

"How did you meet her then?" I ask.

"It happened last night, I was out riding my bike when this other motorcycle stopped next to me. She revved her engine, obviously challenging me to a race, and I obliged her. Thing is, she beat me. She fucking beat me. I don't know her name or what she even looks like. All I know is that she was riding a silver Yamaha and had a red helmet on."

"Hold on, she beat you?!" I ask in complete shock. Whoever this girl is, she has to be something to be able to beat Mikey at a race.

"Oh yeah. She was like a silver bullet and the way she bobbed and weaved through traffic...god she was amazing. I have to meet her." 

"You have an entire gang, go look for her." I hear a cheery voice speak up.

We all turn to find Emma and Hinata standing next to our table. "Hinata?! How long were you guys standing there?"

"We came here right around Mikey describing this mystery girl as a silver bullet. More importantly," Emma squeezes in next to Mikey, "we need to find this girl. This is the first time I've ever seen you interested in a girl." 

"I want to, but I only know her by her motorcycle and helmet. I don't even know what she looks like..." Mikey replies dejectedly.

"Wow, that kinda sounds like a modern day Cinderella." Emma points out.

"Wait, how do you know she's a girl if you haven't seen her face?" Hinata asks.

"Uh...I rather not say..." Mikey blushes.

"You were checking out her ass, weren't you?" Draken teases.

"No comment." He quickly shoots back.

"Ok, then how're you gonna find her?" Emma asks.

"I guess I could get the guys to look for her...but I don't wanna waste anyone's time..." Mikey says in a low voice.

"No, it's fine. I'm sure the other guys wanna meet her too." Draken tries to reassure our leader. "Just give the word and we'll help with finding her."

"Hmmm...ok I need your help." Mikey concedes.

And so started the search for the gangster Cinderella.


"Takemitchy...come in, Takemitchy." I flinch at my walkie talkie going off.

I pick up, "Takashi, what's going on?"

"We've spotted Cinderella, I repeat, we've spotted Cinderella on Meiji-dori street. Come in on the west side to block her off."

"Ok. Understood." I turn to the rest of the second division, "Joker said that we're going to cut off Cinderella on Meiji-dori street from the west route."

The men from the second division follow me as we move in on Cinderella. But Cinderella has other plans; the silver Yamaha is as slippery as a salmon. Half of the men already have to pull over and give up the chase. Takashi and I continue our chase after Cinderella, with only a couple of bikers to back us up. She continues to bob and weave between trucks and cars; making almost all of the guys pull over on the side of the road, leaving only Takashi and I to chase after the run away gangster princess. She starts to get desperate and go down random turns; after she slows us down she speeds up and loses us, never even missing a beat.

We pull over and Takashi looks over at me, "Damn it. This is going to be harder than I thought."

"No kidding..." I sigh as I watch Cinderella speed off into the night.


"She got away again?" Mikey asks while looking dejected.

"Yeah...we're sorry. She's just really hard to catch and no one else has spot her bike parked anywhere. She's a total mystery." Takashi explains.

"How're we gonna find her? She's too fast." Peyan complains.

"...what if we do what the prince did in Cinderella and throw a ball?" I suggest.

"What do you mean Takemitchy?" Mikey asks.

"We throw a road race outside the city limits after dark and whoever wins will get their own biker division. And knowing Cinderella, she will show up for street cred and a sense of pride."

"Hmm...alright, let's do it." Mikey smirks, "Let's find Cinderella, guys!"

"Mikey, we gotta go to your tutoring session." Draken calls out.

"Takemitchy, come with us. Hinata said that you failed your last test." He says to me.

"Aright, fine. Let's go."


Mikey makes a B-line for the room in the back of the tutoring center, inside there is a beautiful girl with wavy brown hair and red eyes. Without glancing up from her book, she simply states, "You're late Sano."

"Only by five minutes miss Hori." He replies beat for beat with her.

"And who's the new kid?" She asks as she finally glances up at us.

"This is Takemitchy, Takemitchy meet Chieko Hori, she's my Japanese literature and history tutor." He introduces us.

"Let's hurry up and get down to business, I'm not getting paid ya know." She says as we all sit down.

As I sit down, I can't help but drift back to Cinderella. She could be anyone...maybe even Chieko Hori. But her strict and straight laced stature convinces me otherwise.

Gangster Cinderella Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon