Chapter Fifty Eight: Fallen

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I remember the first day I saw Kita; I was six years old and she was the twenty year old captain of the Racing Queens. She led the cheers and made all of the major decisions concerning the RQ at my uncle's track. She was beautiful and sparkling at first glance. Her charisma was boundless and my father didn't stand a chance once she lay her eyes on him. She chose him and won him by only showing her best sides. But underneath that gilded surface was a monster.


Mikey and I sit in an empty barren room with a pane of glass down the middle. If it was any other circumstance, I would be nothing short of delighted to see Kita in an orange jumpsuit; unfortunately, the lingering thought of my father's murder spoils whatever joy that could've been had. Gazing ahead, a vague reflection of myself stares back from the windows separating guests from prisoners. I still don't understand why now Kita would decide to confess to killing my father. Is she trying to get some deal out of it? Is that what's happening right now? Or did she do this as some sick way to get someone to see her?

A warm scarred hand encases my own, "Do you still want to go through with this? We can leave if you need to."

I return a squeeze to his hand, "I'm doing this, I'm just trying to prepare myself for seeing her."

" you want to go get curry bread after this?" Mikey asks suddenly.

"But you hate spicy food." I tilt my head at this odd offer.

"I do...but you love spicy food and I just want to see you happy." He says softly before pulling the collar up on his jacket. A tint of red touches his cheeks.

I rest my head on his shoulder, "You're cute like this."

"Don't say that..." he pouts at me.

Our moment of bliss is interrupted by the sound of a heavy door creaking open. The sound of chains rattling against the floor stops my heart. A small part of me felt sadistic joy at seeing Kita Yashido in such a wretched state. Dark brown roots sprout from the top of her head and it would seem that she has given herself a half assed haircut. That feeling is swiftly squashed once I notice her own sadistic smile. Am I playing right into her hands?


The first time I met Shikha, she was drastically different than her mother. Shikha's beauty has always been more cool and subdued than her mother's ostentatiousness. At first glance, you would assume that Shikha was merely shy, but her personality and how she acts is rooted in something far darker. I would learn that the hard way after getting to see firsthand how mommy dearest treated Shikha.

"Chieko-chan, this is Shikha-chan, she is going to be your new sister. Please, be kind to her and make her feel welcomed." My dad motions to the small dark haired girl with bright innocent green eyes. What was odd about this shy child was that unlike most shy kids, who would retreat behind their parents when meeting someone new; this girl stood meekly away from her mother, her fingers knotting into her shirt as she avoids my gaze.

I grab her hand and pull her to me, "I'm Chieko and I'm going to be the fastest motorcycle racer in the world."

She blushes at this, "And I'm Shikha..." 


"So what would be the honor of this visit?" Kita asks in a false tone. 

"Oh fuck right off with that bullshit, you know exactly why I'm here." I narrow my eyes at this unwarranted act of superiority.

"Ah yes, your father's death. Yes that was me, so is that all?" She asks sounding bored.

"No that's not fucking all. How did you do it?"

She sighs, "It took a lot of planning you know, killing him. I studied book after book and manufacturing manual after manual until I found the most secure plan. I shortened the hydraulic hose on the motorcycle he was sponsored for racing that day." I gulp at this as this evil bitch continues, "You and I both know that your dad preferred shortening his own hydraulic hose, so the idea of him accidentally shortening it too much was a perfectly reasonable assumption."

"Why...?" My bottom lip wobbles as I try to choke down on my tears.

"What would know-"

"No! Why are you confessing to this now?!" I stand up abruptly, causing the chair legs to scrape noisily against the floor. Kita is very lucky for this pane of glass between us, because if it wasn't there I would beat her until I felt satisfied.

"Well, isn't it obvious? I want early release, and by offering information on a case that the police got wrong is just how I can do that." She shifts around in her chair before narrowing her eyes, "So where is Shikha?"

"Away from your crazy ass obviously...if you even think about dragging Shikha any further into your narcissistic bullshit, I will wait till you're released to personally beat your ass. That girl has been put through enough."

"Threatening me in front of the guards, how reckless of you."

"It's not an empty threat and I would gladly go to jail for giving you the ass beating you deserve." I glare at her. "I guess we're done here since I got my answers."

"You really do look like your father. Those terrible devil red eyes of yours, they're quite scary you know." Her voice filled with nauseating disdain.

"I'd rather look like a devil than be anything like you." I shoot back, quickly leaving before Kita could get another disgusting word in.


"That Kita's a real piece of work." Mikey comments while I snack on the curry bread he bought me.

"It's twisted but me and Shikha were the only ones she showed this side to when we were kids. For my dad she would show something completely different."

"But wasn't she beating on Shikha? She didn't do that with you?"

"No...she didn't try that shit with me because she knew she didn't have the same level of control over me like she did with Shikha. When you're a kid, your parent is your entire world, and when your entire world fucking hates you it hits differently. To me Kita was just some two faced bitch my father fell for, to Shikha that was her mother, someone she had no choice but to depend on. It's fucked up."

Mikey wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me close to him, "Everything is going to be ok...if it's not ok then it's not the end." His lips press against my forehead as I lean my head on his shoulder. "I swear, I'll be here till the end."

My heart finally settles at that promise under the darkening cold twilight sky.

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