Side Story One: 🍋Game of Chicken🍋

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A/N: I just want to make it abundantly clear that in this side story Chieko is not with Mikey and that all that happens here is non canonical to the fanfic.
TW: EXTREMELY KINKY. Like Idk what demon possessed me while writing this...have fun I guess.

My heels clack against the tile floor as I make my way to my boss's office

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My heels clack against the tile floor as I make my way to my boss's office. Hanma had called me in for a report on my surveillance of a politician that has been getting a little too uppity with Toman lately. I pause in the hallway and pull out a blunt; there is no way I'm going to be talking to Shuji Hanma while sober. Getting high or drunk before interacting with that scum bag is the only way I can talk to him without giving into the urge of defenestration*. Lighting up, I lean against the wall and smoke for a bit. No one is gonna say a damn thing to me since Hanma has labeled me as his "favorite"; whatever the fuck that means.

"There you are Princess~" I hear a sickening voice call out to me.

I turn my head towards the door and meet his eager lupine gaze; as soon as he's a couple feet away from me I blow smoke in his face, "You called me out here."

"Yes, so why're you waiting out here?"

"I can only talk to you when I'm high." I bluntly inform him.

"So harsh~ you seem awfully comfortable mouthing off to me despite me being your superior." His hand picks up strands of my short brunette hair and brings them to his nose for a sniff.

I smack his hand away, "Don't make me slap you."

"What if I want you to~" he purrs.

I walk away from him towards his office, "Let's get this over with, I have plans at the club with Kazushi later."

Hanma follows after me into his office; I start to inhale the smoke more deeply, hoping I can get high faster. It seems to work as I begin to feel light and slightly hazy. I push my papers over to him from across the desk.

He picks them up and begins to look through them; without even glancing away from the report, he asks, "So is Kazushi your newest play thing?"

"I don't see how who I'm fucking is any of your business." I reply flatly; my mind is finally in a haze and I don't feel the intense anger I normally feel; just mild annoyance.

"Oh but it is since you're my Princess~" his eyes finally on me.

I roll my eye at this, "I'm not anyone's Princess, especially not yours."

"Oh? But I was the only person who would offer you a job after that tragic incident with your eye, so that makes us linked." He walks around the desk and places both of his hands on the armrests of my chair.

I simply blow more smoke in his face, "How unfortunate to be linked with such a creature as you."

"Oh come now, we're more alike than you like to admit." He takes my blunt and blows some smoke in my face with that shit eating grin of his. " seem less passionate now."

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