Chapter Four: The Street Race

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I glance over at him as he corrects the mistakes on his rough draft about the book Kokoro. "So...what made you fall in love with her?"

"Huh?" He meets my gaze.

"It's just, you've never spoken to me about romance or that kind of stuff so I'm curious about what made you like her that much." I feel guilty for tricking him into unknowingly confessing more of his feelings, but my curiosity is eating away at me.

"There was a quote from Kokoro that I think I've come to understand after I met her. I think it goes like this..." he flips through his book till he finds the page and reads, "'Just as you can only really smell incense in the first moments after it is lit, or taste wine in that instant of the first sip, the impulse of love springs from a single, perilous moment in time, I feel.' I guess when I first saw her, I saw all of her brilliance and splendor within those first few moments and it left me wanting more."

My heart beats faster at every beautiful word he says about me. I look at him head on, "I'm sure she'll understand but maybe she just wants to understand herself and her own feelings before she commits to anything. And that's why she couldn't answer you when you confessed to her."

"That makes sense but I'm going crazy. I'd even settle on just seeing her face at this point. I don't even care if she returns my feelings...I can only hope that she'd maybe let me get to know her and possibly fall in love with more of her." He says with this troubled look on his face. 

"Mikey? Are you actually on a date?" We all turn our heads towards the voice and see a teenage boy with long black hair and pointy teeth; next to him is another boy with messy blonde hair and light blue eyes. "What happened with finding Cinderella, man?"

"No, this is my tutor, Chieko Hori, she helps me with Japanese literature and history. Hori these are my friends Baji and Matsuno." He introduces us.

"Uh...who's Cinderella?" I ask while wondering if that's what he's been calling me.

"Oh, that's what we've been calling that girl I told you about. We call her that since we don't know who she is and she has a tendency to run away." Sano explains to me.

"'s not the worst nickname..." I mutter under my breath.

"Huh?" Sano turns to me.

"N-nothing! Anyways it's nice to meet you...and if you need any help in English, Japanese Literature, history or language, I'm your girl." I say to promote myself to more possible students. 

"When did you start teaching different languages at the tutoring center?" Sano asks.

"A while ago, I got approved last week to teach it."

"Do I have to pay now?" He pouts.

"No, I can't charge you since your school designated you as a troubled student."

"What qualifies as a 'troubled student'?" Baji asks.

"Someone failing in all subjects and has been recommended to our center by a teacher. Our center has a weird policy for helping students failing everything where tutoring is free. But the sessions are shorter and I gain school credits in exchange for money." I explain.

"And you're the one tutoring?" He asks as he eyes me.

"Only in language, Japanese literature and history." I explain again.

"Then maybe I should schedule something with you sometime." He says with a suggestive tone. 

"Baji, stop bothering this girl. I'm starving." Matsuno complains. 

"I ain't bothering anyone, besides I don't see her man anywhere." He argues with his friend. 

"Quit being such a cad Baji. I'll see you guys later." Sano says as he waves dismissively to Baji. 

"Ok, fine. We'll head out but where do you want us to spray paint about that street race?" Baji asks.

"Street race?" I echo his question as I feel my heart tighten with anxiety and excitement.

"Oh we're throwing a street race just outside the city to hopefully lure in Cinderella." Sano explains to me before turning his attention back to Baji, "Just spray paint under bridges or wherever the other gangs tag themselves."

"Ok, see ya tonight boss." He says before heading over to order food. 

"Bye-bye." He says cheerfully before turning back to me, "Mind if I take you home? I gotta get ready for something later."

"Oh sure. Thanks." I respond before pocketing Takeomi's cookie.

I follow him outside and climb on the back of his motorcycle; but I hesitate, unsure if I should wrap my arms around him.

"You might wanna hold onto me, Hori, don't want ya getting hurt." He says as he revs up the engine.

I wrap my arms around his torso; I feel my heart beat faster as I become acquainted with his broad back, finely defined abs and body heat. Oh god, I didn't know he was this ripped. We ride off on his bike and the way he drives his motorcycle is soothing and unexpectedly smooth. I've always been used to the rough and rugged riding style of my dad when he taught me how to race.

"You seem oddly relaxed, have you ridden before?" Sano asks as we stop at a red light.

"Uh...something like that. My dad used to ride professionally." I confess to him.

"Seriously? I had no idea, that's pretty cool."

"Yeah, he went to the Grand Prix once. He was truly amazing."

"Did something happen to him?!" He shouts above the wind after the light turns green.

"Yeah, he died a couple years ago in an accident!" I shout back.

"I'm sorry!"

"It's ok, it happened a long time ago! And besides, he died doing something he loves, not many people can say that!"

"That's an interesting way to look at it!"

I can't believe I get to see this side of him. I always thought he was some delinquent who didn't care about anything, but he's so much more than that. I want to see more of him and know him deeply.

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