Side Story Fifteen: Chaos at the Maid Cafe

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A/N: sorry for the small hiatus, I got distracted 😅😅😅 Edit: I'm currently working on the fairy tale au side story so look forward to it.

My shift at the maid cafe starts normally enough; Mikey is staring at me lovingly from across the room as Draken silently reads a motorcycle magazine. All is peaceful until Hanma opens the door with that shit eating grin plastered on his face. Fuck my life. Immediately Mikey shoots glares in his direction and Draken has to rub his temple. At first I make the move to avoid Hanma's table at all costs until my coworker comes up to me to tell me, "So that new customer has been asking after you, he wants you to serve him specifically."

I force on my best passive aggressive customer service face as I go to serve the fucking menace. "And what would our esteemed customer like to order?" I grit through my teeth as I hand him our menu.

His smile gets wider, "Shouldn't you be calling me something else? I believe maids call their customers mas~ter."

I fight down the bile rising in my throat before forcing out an, "I'm s-so sorry m-m-ma-" his eyes glint with sadism as he watches me try to force out the word master. "M-m-mayster." I can call any of the customers that come here 'master' any day of the week, but for some reason I absolutely struggle with the idea of calling this annoying asshole 'master'.

He laughs at my struggle, "Is it really that hard to say master or is it just with me?"

"Can you please tell me what you want?"

"Yeah I want the cutesy omurice with a personal message from you~ make sure it comes from the heart princess." 

"Will be right out m-m-monster." Hurriedly trying to get away from the bane of my existence.

"You should really work on saying that word princess." He jeers at me. 

After I deliver the order to the kitchen I go over to check on Mikey and...oh boy if looks could kill Hanma's sleazy ass would be dead on the floor. "Uh...Mikey would you like another slice of cake?"

"Yes but first...why is that shit stain here?"

I sigh, "Takemitchy accidentally let it slip that I work at a maid cafe and the fucking weirdo went to every maid cafe until he found me."

"Draken...remind me to kick Takemitchy's ass later." He orders his right hand man/nanny.

Draken simply responds with an, "Ok." as he tries to dissociate from his leader's ridiculous jealousy.

"No, don't! It ain't his fault that Hanma is fucking creep. If you beat him up, I won't talk to you for a week."

His pout worsens as he continues to glare daggers at Hanma's table. "Fine."

I lean in close to his ear and whisper, "If you behave yourself, I'll be sure to reward you later master."

And just like that his pout disappears and is replaced with his typical boyish smile, "Ok!"

"Order up Chieko!" Someone from the kitchen calls.

"Coming! I'll be back with a cake." I quickly say to Mikey before leaving.

Once I reach the kitchen I find the blank omurice in front of me. I glare at it before writing 'eat shit' with ketchup on it. He wants a message from the heart, oh he'll get a damn message from the heart alright. I take the food over to his table but before I can even leave, he grabs my wrist, "Isn't this message a little too harsh?"

"You wanted a message from the heart and you got one. Now if you'll let go, I have other customers to attend to." I try to yank my hand away from him but he won't let up. "This isn't funny Hanma, let me go."

"Hmm I wonder what would happen if your boss knew that you had a boyfriend? You'd lose your job, wouldn't you? Isn't it maid cafe policy that the maids can't have a boyfriend who's also a customer?"

"I said let go!" I shout at him losing my patience.

Before anyone could speak or move, Mikey yanks Hanma out of his chair and glares at him, "I think you should fucking leave."

For some reason the idiot continues to act smug, "So violent, are you sure that's the route you want to go at your girlfriend's workplace?"

"Oh we're not fighting in here, we're taking this outside."

"That actually sounds fun~ let's go dance Mikey~" Hanma smiles wickedly before leaving with Mikey. 

Before I can even move to follow after them, Draken places his hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry about him. He'll take care of this far away from the cafe and come back. Just keep doing your job, ok?"

"Yeah, thanks Draken. You can have the omurice I made for Hanma on me. I highly doubt that he's gonna come back and pay for it."

"Sure thanks." He goes over to grab the plate and bursts out laughing, "Hahahaha! Oh wow, you seriously wrote this?"

"He told me to write from the heart and I did."

"Man this is perfect! I gotta take a picture and show Mikey this." He comments as he takes the plate over to his seat. 

Thirty minutes breeze by before Mikey finally returns; bloodied knuckles and a bruise decorating his cheek. Since this is a typical sight for me to see I don't quite react like my coworkers do.

"Oh my god, Chieko did you see that regular come back? He's all bloody bruised up! Did he get into a fight or something?" One of my coworkers ask.

"Eh probably, at least he didn't do it at the restaurant." I dryly respond.

"Seriously Chieko! Don't you find it a little alarming?"

"I've seen worse." I say before going over to Mikey's table with the cake he ordered. "So what did you do with Hanma?"

"Left him unconscious in a back alley." He answers matter of factly.

"Oh well, he'll either wake up or someone will find him. Thanks for taking care of him away from my work."

"I believe you owe me a reward for being good." He eyes me up and down, taking in the sight of my maid uniform.

I glance around before quickly kissing his cheek while no one is looking. "Later." I whisper before turning to head back to the kitchen.

Behind me I hear Draken say, "Dude your ears are red."

"Shut up." Mikey responds to his nosy friend.

Just another day at the maid cafe.

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