Chapter Seventeen: Threat of Valhalla

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Baji strides over towards Mikey with purpose. He stops short and bows, "Mikey there's something we need to discuss."

Mikey turns to Takemitchy and I, "You guys go wait with the others. I need to talk to Baji first." 

Reading the room I pretend to follow Takemitchy over towards everyone else but instead I turn around and hide behind a tree to listen in.

Takemitchy grabs my arm and whisper yells, "What are you doing Chieko?"

"Aren't you curious too? Let's just listen for a little bit."

He looks at me, evaluating whether or not he wants to go against Mikey's orders. But he relents, "Fine. But I'm coming with you."

We both quietly try to listen in on the heated conversation.

"Mikey we can't invite ex Moebius members into our ranks...I've heard whispers that Valhalla might try to send over an ex Moebius spy into Toman." Baji insists.

"I'm willing to take that chance...we need more men. Valhalla is way bigger than us and if there is a spy, we'll deal with it when we cross that bridge. Our size and man power might not be enough when going against Hanma." Mikey explains.

"Please Mikey! Inviting these people into our gang could do more harm than good. You gotta hear me out on this one." He tries to reason with his leader.

"No, my decision is final. We'll try to investigate each of the new members but I don't want to hear anymore about this." He says leaving barely any room for rebuttal. Then a quick switch in his demeanor and he's back to his eccentric self, "Come on, let's go riding Baji."

"Fuck this! See if I care when Toman falls apart!" Baji shouts before storming off to his bike to ride away.

I look to Takemitchy, "Come on, let's go back to the others before anyone notices."

He nods and we rejoin the group before Mikey, Draken and Matsuno come back. Before I can go back over to Mikey, Takemitchy asks me, "What did you make of all that?"

"What we heard?" He nods his head, "Well...I think it's a sign of trouble to come...maybe even death."


"Yeah...this whole situation feels like high stakes, so be careful Takemitchy." I reply before returning to Mikey's side. "Um, Mikey."

"Yeah, what's up?"

"So remember how you said that whoever wins the race will get their own division under Toman?"

"Oh yeah...I did say that. Do you want that?"

"Not exactly. I want to be your scout." This is my own way to protect who I hold dear. If speed is my greatest asset then I will use it to protect him.

"A scout? Are you sure? It can get pretty dangerous." 

"Can't be anymore dangerous than what I already do. Please, let me do this for you." I beg him.

" are the fastest...fine. But if you ever get hurt, we're pulling you out. Got it?" He firmly tells me.

"Fine, mister worry wort." I kiss his cheek. "Let's go ride! I'll beat all you mother fuckers!" I yell running towards my motorcycle.


I speed ahead of everyone else; I feel the wind against my skin and it calls for me to chase after it. I find myself infectiously smiling as the world whirls by me. While I am enjoying myself, I am also being vigilant of my surroundings. I stop at a red light and finally everyone has caught up to me.

"Jesus, you're a fucking demon on that bike!" Draken shouts.

"I'm a demon on any bike~" I gloat.

"Careful, your head might get too big for your helmet!" Mikey teases me.

"Where are we going next?!" I ask.

"I'm thinking of heading home! You wanna come with me?"

"Sure, I'm down."

Mikey and I split off from the rest of the gang and head towards his house. As always I beat him there.

"Ha! I won!" I cheer.

"Chi-chan, I've been wondering...when are you going to start racing professionally?" He asks me.

"Well I probably need to get in touch with my dad's old coach...but I haven't seen him since my dad died. I don't even know if he still does coaching for motorcycle races."

"Can't you find someone else?"

"I mean...yeah but he's the best of the best. He's why my dad even made the Grand Prix and more than that I trust his guidance. I guess I just have to get over the awkwardness and ask him. I just hope it's not too much money, otherwise I'll have to look for a different job." I lean against my bike and sigh; the road to racing professionally is looking even further away. Mikey places his hands on my hips and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his body even closer to mine. I tangle my fingers into his hair as his hands slip down to grab my ass. I moan quietly against his mouth and pull back, "Well that was sudden."

"You had this worried look on your face, I sort of wanted to kiss it away." He says sweetly. "I'm your biggest fan so you know I'll always be there to help."

"Ya know what? I'll call Hoang tomorrow." I say with determination.

"Hoang? Is he foreign?"

"Yeah he's originally from Vietnam, he's amazing at racing and has profound understanding of the sport. He had to quit racing due to losing a ton of fingers in an accident on the tracks."

"Jesus and he still loves the sport?"

"True racers can never leave the sport. They always need to be close to the action of it all or they'll go stir crazy. Racing is his one true love."

" I or racing your one true love?" He asks with a pout.

"What?" I ask, feeling a little befuddled by his question.

"Which do you love more, me or racing?" His eyes are boring holes into me.

"Mikey...are you jealous of my motorcycle?"

"What? No...maybe...fine I am."

I laugh a little at his silly jealousy. "You're so weird. Racing is my passion, you are my love. You don't need to be jealous over a vehicle."

"Are you making fun of me?"

"Maybe a little...I mean come on, you were jealous over an object." 

"You are going to get it!" He says before attacking my neck with bites and kisses.

I giggle and squirm in his arms under the light of the moon. His gentle kisses and teasing touches making me feel alight.

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