Chapter Fifty Four: Get To Da Choppa!

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All eyes are on Hakkai as he steps forward, "It all started with a stupid little lie I told. To keep up that little lie, I dragged my family and Toman into it. Then the problem grew bigger, resulting in the conflict between Toman and the black dragons. I'm responsible for all of this. Everyone, I'm sorry." The tall lanky boy bows his head to all of us.

All is silent for a few heartbeats, until fifth Captain Mucho shouted, "Don't worry about it Hakkai! What sparks conflicts in the first place is always something small anyways."

Fourth Captain Kawata is the next to speak up, "Besides we beat the Black Dragons. So things ended up fine! Right guys?!"

Many other voices join with enthusiastic confirmation; but the voice that truly reached him is none other than Mitsuya's, "Hakkai! You've still got a place with us as the Tokyo Manji Gang's second division vice captain!"

Looking over at Hakkai, he's radiating this aura of gratitude and perhaps love for his captain. "You guys..." the shell shocked murmurs.

Mitsuya turns back to his division energetically, "You guys cool with that!?" This is followed by all of second division cheering in agreement.

I look up at Hakkai and silently wish that some day he will have the courage to finally tell Mitsuya what lies in his heart. Glancing in Takemitchy's direction, I notice the pair seeking very content with themselves. Hopefully the news that follows doesn't damper that feeling.

Draken clears his throat before bellowing, "Now! The next person to the front is Inui!"

Inupi and Koko saunter up to the front; the former is the first to speak, "Seishu Inui, from the eleventh generation Black Dragons."

Koko goes next, "Hajime Kokonoi, from the same gang." A wave of hushed whispers overtakes the crowd. "The tenth generation Black Dragons lost to Toman. Our former leader, Taiju Shiba, has retired. We have succeeded the gang as leaders of the eleventh generation."

Inui continues the train of thought with, "And after discussing it with Mikey, we've decided to join under Toman."

Mikey then announces, "In other words, under Takemichi Hanagaki."

Hushed gasps take over the first division, their leader shouts, "What?!"

Mikey reminds unfazed, "Got it, Takemitchy?"

"Yeah...I guess." He dully answered. His vice captain then clicks his tongue in annoyance.

Takemitchy then asks the million dollar question, "The Black Dragons are under my command? Why? Whose decision was that?"

"'If we're going to be apart of Toman, we'd rather be with him.' That's what they said." Mikey answer him.

Chifuyu loudly whispers, "I'm one hundred percent sure there's something more to this..."

The troublesome pair approaches us; Inui glances in my direction. Our eyes meet for a split second before he turns his gaze towards his new captain. Koko sticks out his tongue like some sort of fuck boy, "Glad to be here! Captain!"

Inupi just deadpans, "I won't ask you to trust us. Just tell us when you need us and we'll help you."

I look back at Mikey and Draken, knowing that there is still one more topic to go over. Draken shouts, "Quiet everyone!"

A still silence overtakes everyone, all of our attention focused on the invincible Mikey, "Lastly, I want to talk about something involving the Christmas Conflict." He walks towards the edge of the stone steps, "Tetta Kisaki!"

Kisaki answers his call, "Yes!!"

"You're fired." Mikey deadpans at the confused boy.

I try and fail to hide my glee at Kisaki's shock. Confused murmurs wash over the crowd as other wonder at why the new captain would be fired so soon. I just smirk and shout, "Damn right you're fired! Pack your shit and get to da choppa!"

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