Chapter Twenty Six: Changing Paths

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🏍2005, Hanagaki Residence🏍

"I want to you see you live out your dream...just please don't go." Takemitchy begs of me on his hands and knees.

I study the boy and instantly I feel like he's hiding something. I believe his words are genuine but there's more to it than what he's telling us.

"It's up to you Chieko." Mikey interrupts my meandering thoughts.

He's a genuine guy and I know that he's way too naive and honest to actually try something cruel or underhanded. So I relent to his demands, "Ok fine. If it's that important to you, I'll stay out of the fight. But the next fight I'm helping, got it?"

His eyes start looking wet and he noticeably tries to choke back his tears, "Thank you. Thank you so much. You won't regret it."

I smile gently, "Ok, but my god please don't start crying."

"I'm sorry." He says smiling through the tears.


We stop in front of the Akashi house and before I can even move to put away my bike inside of the garage, Mikey asks me, "Why did you agree with Takemitchy back there?"

"Well Takemitchy is a genuine person and I don't think he'd ever try to do something cruel or underhanded to any of his friends. He probably has some important reason for not wanting me to take part in the Valhalla fight. And I trust his judgment, it's weird but it seems like his gut instinct is always on point."

" certainly does. Well I'm gonna head out to meet up with the gang. I'll see ya later." With that he rides off.

I wave at him as he's leaving before pushing my motorcycle into the garage. Before I could even properly walk through the doorway, Senju jumps on me and tackle hugs me to the floor.

"Jesus Senju-chan, what the heck?" I ask as I groan in pain.

"Tomorrow we're going shopping and hanging out. No boys allowed." She declares to me, leaving no room for argument.

"Ok, but what brought this on?" I ask as I sit up.

"Hmph. It's unfair that Mikey has you all to himself, I've known you longer so he needs to share." She pouts cutely at me.

I pat her head, "I'm sorry, and I'm all yours tomorrow. Ok?"

"Finally I get my Chieko-chan all to myself! Suck it Mikey!" She cheers.

At that moment I get a call from Hoang, "Chieko, can you come practice tomorrow?"

"Um let me check first." I put my coach on hold and turn to Senju, "Would you mind coming to watch me practice and then afterwards we can go shopping?"

"Sure I don't mind cheering you on, I probably make a cuter cheerleader than Mikey anyways." She says with a wink.

I take my coach off hold, "Yeah I can come tomorrow and I'm bringing Senju-chan along."

"That little girl who followed you around and she had an older brother, right?" Hoang asks, almost as though he's trying recollect a memory.

"Yep that's them. Anyways, we'll see you tomorrow."

"See ya tomorrow Chieko." He hangs up.

I look at Senju with amusement, "What's with you and your weird competition with Mikey?"

"He keeps on taking you all for's unfair. I want my Chieko time too~"

"Don't worry you'll have me all to yourself tomorrow, I promise."


The following day I ride with Senju down to the racetrack. Unlike most of my passengers, she has fun whenever she rides with me. It just dawns on me that this may actually be one of the few things her and Mikey have in common; their giddiness when riding with me at top speed. I park in front of the racetrack and Senju stumbles off of my bike like she just got off of a roller coaster.

"You alright?" I ask.

"Yeah I had fun but it's been a while since I rode with you." She replies as she regains her balance.

"Come on, we don't wanna keep Hoang waiting." I say before pushing my bike towards the back gate leading onto the track.

"Coming!" She calls out before chasing after me.

We walk through the gate and instantly we spot my coach. I call out to him, "Hoang, we're here!"

He turns at the sound of my voice and smiles at the sight of my dad's 1996 Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird. "Oh I remember this one, your father had such an odd hobby of collecting the fastest models in production."

"Guess now it's my weird hobby since I've inherited all. Anyways, I'm ready to ride."

"Ok, ok. But first go change into a racer suit. This one should be about your size." He hands me a racer body suit to change into. "Bathroom is through that door, come back quickly." 

I go to the bathroom and quickly change into the form fitting by body suit. I run outside, ready to race on the track.

Hoang stops me before I get on the motorcycle, "There's something we need to talk about first."

"Ok, go ahead."

"I first need to know if this one hundred percent what you want to do career wise."

"I can't imagine doing anything else."

"Good. Now, do you plan on going to high school?"

"I don't know...I haven't made a decision."

"You need to make one may not be able to split your attention between school and racing."

I never once took a moment to consider if high school would even be an option...seems I need to consider this stuff more carefully. "Don't worry, I'll think about it. Anything else?"

"Yes one more thing. You should probably join the Suzuka Circuit Racing School to receive a racing license."

"Ok...and how much does that cost?"

"Altogether, 620,000 yen, but if we split the cost it'll be 310,000. I can only pay for half, you'll have to figure out how to get your half. Ok?"

My heart starts racing at the am I going to take care of that? There's no way my tutoring gig can cover that.

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