Chapter Forty One: Smells Like...a Love Triangle

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Koko and I are waiting on our order at some maid cafe. For some reason my mind keeps wandering back to the girl who calls herself Cinderella. The way she rode that motorcycle, her absolute control and speed was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. When I think about her, my chest tightens and it takes all of my willpower to stop thinking of her.

"Inupi, what's got you so out of it? I feel like I'm talking to a wall." Koko complains.

"Say Koko...what did it feel like when you knew you were in love with my sister?" I absolutely needed to rule out the possibility of it being love. I can't be in love with someone who disrespected the Black Dragons.

Koko nearly spits his drink out, "What's with you man!? Why're you asking me that all of a sudden?"

"Just tell me, ok?"

He looks out the nearby window for a moment as though he's searching for the answer there. " when you can't stop thinking about them and you just have this compulsion to be near them a lot for no reason beyond just wanting to be around them. But there's also the butterflies in your stomach and the way they make your heart race, that also happens. So are you going to tell me what this is all about?" He turns his calculating gaze back onto me.

"...I think I-"

But I'm suddenly cut off by the cheery upbeat voice of one of the maids. "I'm sorry for the wait, your maid had to step out so I'll- fuck."

I look up and meet the ruby eyes of Cinderella and she looks absolutely mortified at seeing us again. Koko slams his hands on the table, "What the fuck are you doing here, miss Cinderella?" He practically hisses at her.

"I could ask you the same thing! Are you weirdos stalking me?! If so..."

Before she can leave I reach out and grab her wrist without thinking. "This is just a coincidence. I swear we're not here to do you any harm."

I blush and take my hand off her wrist. But Koko is having none of it, "Inupi you don't get to decide that. This bitch disrespected the boss."

"I'll take care of it, don't you trust me?"

He furrows his brows as he debates on how to answer that question. Finally he relents, "Fine. But don't go getting yourself messed up like last night." 

"But for right now, I promise none of us will hurt you. We're just here to eat, if that's ok with you Cinderella?" I look back at the maid; her job giving further credence to her name.

She sighs and place our food on the table, "Fine, but keep this gang shit out of the restaurant. I need to keep this job, ok Masters?" She winks before walking away.

I feel my heart beat quickens again. I stuff my face with the sundae I ordered and try my best to ignore these strange feelings warring inside of me.

"You said that she's the Invincible Mikey's girl, right?" Koko suddenly asks.

"Yeah...she is." I feel my heart sink at the reminder.

"Then that means she's that Cinderella."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you remember that race? The one that Toman was throwing, saying they'll give a biking gang unit to whoever wins. We didn't go because it wouldn't benefit us and we were busy with the Black Dragons. Apparently she's known around Tokyo as the fastest street racer ever. She's never lost to anyone. I didn't know who she was until you told me that she's with Mikey. Which begs the question..." he points his spoon at me, "how did you get away with a couple of bruises from Mikey?"

I look down at my sundae unable to meet his gaze, "She stopped him. So in a sense I do owe her...I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I figured that sort of sentiment would get in the way of our work."

"It's alright but I wish you told me sooner. I was being such a dick to her...shit now I owe her too!" He sulks before stuffing his mouth with fries.

"I don't know, you always come across as a dick to people. Kinda figured it was your default." I dryly tease him.

"Shut up. Anyways I'm gonna go apologize should thank her. It sounds like she stuck her neck out for you."

"Then we should do it when she gets off. If someone at her work found out how we met her, she might lose her job." I point out.

"Oh you're right. Man she's lucky, I've heard that women at maid cafes make serious dough." 

"Well I've heard that Butler Cafes are slowly becoming a thing. It might just be the next hit." A familiar female voice chimes in.

"Yeah but it seems like maids have a wider range of clientele than their male counterparts." He flinches and looks at Cinderella holding our check. "Shit when did you get here?!"

"Just a few seconds ago. Anyways I figured I'd get you your check."

"W-wait a minute!" Koko quickly calls after her. "Do you mind if we talk after your shift? I promise, there's nothing sketchy."

"Yeah saying that makes it sound sketchy." She deadpans.

"We just want to thank you and talk out yesterday's would seem that we owe you." I calmly tell her.

She rolls her eyes and sighs, "Fine but if you try anything funny I'm gonna zap you." In an instant her grimace turns into an innocent smile, "Goodbye masters, I hope to see you again."

After she walks out of earshot Koko mutters, "Fuck, that's chilling." 


We wait outside near the back door for Cinderella to make her appearance. Once she steps out in her casual clothes, she glares at us, "Ok empty your pockets."

"What?! Is this some kind of shake down!?" Koko shouts.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm a girl who doesn't know much about fighting and you're two gangsters, I want any weapons you have on the ground. Or I can just leave." She jabs her thumb in the direction of her Suzuki Hayabasa.

"Tsch." Koko clicks his tongue in annoyance before emptying all of his pockets.

I do the same but I maintain my gaze with her. For some reason I want to keep looking at her. "Ok so what do you guys want?"

"I wanted to apologize and say thank you for protecting this idiot." He points to me before bowing. "And for that we will stop harassing you. We owe you."

"Yes thank you." I bow with him.

"Stand up, I didn't do that for you...I did it for Mikey. I just didn't want him to cross that line." Her expression is touched with sadness and even a bit of concern.

"Still we thank you." Koko says firmly. "But you should know that just because we backed down doesn't mean our boss is done with you."

"Your boss sounds like a real piece of work. He should learn not to be a sore loser." She looks back at me, "By the way, I like your shoes. You sort of remind me of Kurt Cobain. Sort of look like him too except for the scar."

"Um...thanks?" I respond unsure of whether that was a compliment.

"Anyways, I suppose I'll be seeing you around." She puts on her helmet and climbs onto her motorcycle; she speeds off under the twilight purple sky. My heart racing as I stare after her.


Once I get home I look up Kurt Cobain on my parent's desktop. I discover that he was an American singer in a band called Nirvana and that he had killed himself a while ago. I go on some music forums and find some pirated songs of his. The moment I play Come As You Are, my mind continuously goes back to the girl who calls herself Cinderella.

Gangster Cinderella Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum