Chapter Twenty Nine: Sneaky Bastard

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After school I decide to go check on my sister; I am still unnerved about Hanma hanging around her when she's in such a delicate state. And to my unfortunate surprise, he answers the door to my stepmother's house.

"Ah Princess, what brings you out here?" He leans against the doorframe.

"I should be the one asking you that. What're you doing here?" I glare at him.

"I'm here being a supportive friend to someone in need. I am a good person after all." He replies disingenuously.

I yank him by his shirt down to my level, "Listen here you fucking giraffe. Don't think for one second that I don't know what you're trying to do to my sister. You may have somehow fooled her but frankly I don't trust your ass as far I can throw it. And if I ever find out that you hurt her with your deranged mind games, I WILL CUT YOU DICKHEAD."

His eyes dance with amusement, "Then by all means, bring it on."

Before I could fully give into my rage and knee this asshole in the business, Shikha comes to the door. At first I honestly didn't recognize her, she is a ghost of what she used to be. There are heavy bags under her eyes and her skin is as pale as a sheet.

"Shikha!" I rush over to her and hug her tightly, "Did that asshole do something to you?!"

"Shuji? No, he's just been keeping me company since...well you probably know by now." She gestures towards the doorway, "How about you come inside? You don't have to worry about my mom, she's out with her newest victim- I mean boyfriend."

"Yes, I'd love to." I answer, following my sister in. 

Hanma heads upstairs, but not before giving me a sinister look. My sister leads me to the kitchen and begins rummaging around for tea leaves, "Let me make you some tea, especially after you came all the way out here."

"...Shikha, why is Hanma here?"

"He came by yesterday after the fight and told me what happened to Keisuke. He insisted on hanging around here since he needed somewhere to rest up and he said I probably needed the company. To which I did..."

"He hasn't...tried anything with you?"

"No, he's been sleeping on the floor and he hasn't tried to do anything unseemly. Why do you hate him so much?" She asks.

"I don't hate him, I just don't trust him. And you shouldn't either, he's fucked up." I explain to her.

"Anyways, he's been a near perfect gentlemen while staying here and I'm just thankful to have someone else in this empty house." She puts the kettle on the stove and sits across from me, "Anyways, how's Chifuyu been fairing?"

"He came by your place yesterday but apparently Hanma shooed him off."

"He probably did that because I was high off my ass and crying." She explains away.

"I know I'm not one to talk, but you probably shouldn't smoke pot while being in this sort of headspace..." I study her, my worries only increasing with our conversation.

"Why're you being such a mom all of the sudden?"

"I'm not being a mom, I'm just worried about you. You lost your boyfriend yesterday, you look pale, and you haven't been answering your phone. I just...want to be there for you." I hold her hand from across the table, "Please, come over to my place tonight. We don't have to talk about Baji or Hanma, it can be just us." 

She sighs, "I'm sorry if I was being's just been a lot. I can barely sleep and it just hurts...he's no longer there. I can't go over to his place and talk for hours, I can't spend time with him on the street corner feeding cats, I can't hold's the worst pain I've ever felt in my life."

"Say you'll spend the night at my place. Please." I beg her, wanting to get her out of this house and far away from the sneaky bastard upstairs. 

"Ya know what? I'll take you up on that offer. Let me just go pack and kick Shuji out." She says before going over to the stove to pour the hot water.

"Wait down here, I'll be back in a bit." She says before running upstairs.

Within a few moments Hanma and her come down the stairs. Hanma promptly leaves; once again we share a look that only conveys that our little spat is far from over.

Shikha comes over to the table, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's head out."


Once we get home, I get Takeomi to set up his tv in my room since it's an emergency. He grumbles about it but does it anyways. Senju helps me pull out all of our VHSs for Shikha to pick from. 

"You guys didn't have to do all this..." She says quietly.

"Yes we do. You're our friend too and we're not gonna leave you like that." Senju tells her, "If you need anything we'll be downstairs."

"Thanks Senju-chan!" I call after her. "Pick whatever you want, you have control over the tv."

"Hmm...I'm feeling in the mood to watch Ranma 1/2." She replies as she pushes in the VHS to rewind it.


It's already two am and I'm dozing off. Shikha lightly nudges me, "We can go to sleep right now...also I was wondering if I could sleep in the same bed as you."

I smile warmly at her, "Of course you can." I turn off the tv and come back over to the bed and lay down beside her, "Ya know this reminds me of something...remember when my dad passed away and how I couldn't stop crying at night?"

"Yeah you would cry yourself to sleep and wake yourself up with your own sobs." She whispers back to me.

I hold her hand under the covers, "Yeah, and one night you got into bed with me to comfort me. You held my hand all night and that was oddly enough for me to finally go to sleep." I look her head on under the dim light of the street lamps below, "You're not alone, you can always come to me. I swear."

She doesn't answer back, instead I hear the soft rhythm of her breathing and I know that she's finally fell asleep. I smile to myself, "Goodnight Shikha. I hope you have sweet dreams tonight."

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