Chapter Fifteen: The Guy is Bad News

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"How do you know that name?" Mikey goes completely still and his shoulders tense up at me mentioning that name.

"Well, I've raced him a couple times and I guess we're, enemies...frienemies? Yeah, frienemies."

He flinches at the word 'frienemies'; he turns around and faces me, "Don't go near that guy...he's fucked up. He tried to get Draken killed."

I think back on all of our previous interactions...and I can totally see that creep doing something like that. "Yeah...that doesn't really surprise me."

Mikey takes my hand in his and just says, "Please...just stay away from him. I...I don't want to lose you."

His words are so sincere that I feel part of my heart ache, "Ok, I'll avoid him as long as you don't pull another stunt like you did today. Deal?" 

Relief paints his features and he smiles, "Fine. I'll wait on you outside next time."

"Hurry up lovebirds!" Draken shouts at us.

"Don't be mad at us that you're single!" Mikey snarks back.

"What was that!?" He shoots back.

"Come on guys, we don't have time to bicker..." Takemitchy says in desperation to calm down the two dinguses.

"He's right, Mikey are ya gonna be bringing your wifey with us?" Draken asks.

I practically choke on my own spit at the mention of 'wifey', "W-wife?!"

"Oh that's just what he calls people's girlfriends. He calls my girlfriend 'wifey' too." Takemitchy explains.

"Oh...ok." I quietly reply.

"Yeah, I'm bringing her. I gotta introduce her to everyone." Mikey replies innocently. He turns his attention back onto me, "You should ride, I wanna scare the guys. Be your most reckless."

"You mean I can ride your motorcycle? Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah! Just be as reckless as possible, I wanna scare those guys." He devilishly smiles at me before throwing the keys to me.

I return his mischievous smile, "As you wish baby."


I speed up on Mikey's motorcycle as soon as I notice the shrine. The men almost bow until they see me riding up the stairs of the shrine and do a wheelie at the top. Once I'm done with my pageantry, I park the motorcycle and get off.

Mikey wraps his arm around my waist and announces, "So this is Cinderella, my girlfriend." 

"So that's the girl who's been giving us the run?!" A boy with short dirty blonde hair shouts.

"Yep, Chieko is the infamous Cinderella we have all been chasing after." Mikey informs everyone.

A boy with lilac hair and lavender eyes approaches us, "Please miss Chieko, teach us how you can race like that!" He gets down on his knees and practically begs me.

"Teach us sensei!" More of the boys gather around us.

"Oh my god, please don't bow. I feel super awkward about that." I tell the gangsters.

Mikey pouts and clings onto me, "Back off my woman guys!" 

They back up and say, "Sorry boss!" 

Mikey looks around, "Has anyone seen Baji?"

Matsuno steps forward and explains, "Last time I saw Baji he went off somewhere with Bambi."

"Bambi?" I ask.

"Shikha Yashido." He informs me.

" we both have Disney nicknames..." I mutter under my breath.

"Seriously? What the hell is he thinking..." Mikey complains.

"Would you mind letting him go this once? My sister finally confessed her feelings to him...they might be on a date." I whisper to him.

"Fine. Just for you." He kisses my forehead before turning his attention back to Matsuno, "Matsuno, mind telling Baji what we discussed?"

"Yes sir, I can do that." Matsuno affirms.

"Thanks, anyways I'd like to introduce my girlfriend, Chi-chan. She is super cute and smart. Oh and if any of you hit on her you'll die." He says all of this with a smile to his men before introducing me to each of the captains individually, "And Chi-chan this is Takashi Mitsuya, he's the second division captain and designed our uniforms. We call him Joker. The puffy hair twins are Nahoya and Souya Kuwata, but we just call them Smiley and Angry respectively. They are in charge of the fourth division. The big surly looking guy is Yasuhiro Muto, his nickname is Mucho and he leads the fifth division. I wish I could introduce you to Pah-chin but he's in jail. So you're gonna have to settle for meeting Peh-yan. And of course you already know Draken, Takemitchy, Baji and Matsuno."

I bow and say, "It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I'm Chieko Hori."

"So cute..." One of them mutters.

Mikey glares at the sausage fest and all is silent; he sighs and says, "Ok so down to business. Since Pah has been gone we need someone to fill in his spot as leader of the third division. I will be considering at the moment who would be best to replace him. Has there been any news on finding out who Valhalla's real leader is?"

"No, it still seems that Hanma is a stand in for the true leader. There's been no word on the street on who that is."

"Fine...what about Moebius's movements?" He asks.

"Apparently they're scattered at the moment since the disbandment. Some are willing to come onto our side...but there's a sizable amount who are gathering under the name Valhalla." Mitsuya explains.

"Draken and I will look into that...anyways we'll meet up and ride later tonight." Mikey announces.

"Mikey! Let me join you guys!" I demand.

"You're serious?" He asks.

"Come on, please." I press my body up against his.

I note that his cheeks turn flushed at this action and he looks away, "I mean...sure..."

I throw my arms around him, "Thanks babe!"

"Did...did she just call him 'babe'?" Mitsuya asks, absolutely stunned by seeing this side of his leader.

"The world has to be ending...Mikey has a cute girlfriend..." Matsuno mutters.

"You asshole are dismissed!" Mikey shouts. "See you guys tonight!"

"Mikey," I say to get his attention, "Mind if we stop by my storage unit, I wanna take out a new motorcycle."

"Sure, let's go." He takes my hand in his; our fingers intertwine as we go over to his motorcycle.

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