Side Story Eleven: 🍋Hair Dye🍋

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A/N: sorry for the lack of Mikey x Chieko. I just want properly resolve the mommy issues arc first. So consider this as a conciliation prize for your patience.

"Babe could you help me with dying my hair?" Mikey asks one day after coming back home with a grocery bag full of black hair dye

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"Babe could you help me with dying my hair?" Mikey asks one day after coming back home with a grocery bag full of black hair dye.

I put down the book I'm reading and start looking at the unnecessarily large amount of black hair dye in the plastic bag. "Uh baby I don't think you're gonna need that much. Pretty sure two dye kits would've done it."

"Will you still help me?" My immature boyfriend gives me his best puppy eyes and I turn weak.

"Fine, only because you're cute. But don't blame me if it ends up looking bad, ok?" 

He smacks my ass as I'm walking by, "You're the best babe."

"Yeah, yeah get dressed in something you don't care about while I try to figure out these instructions." I shoo him out.

🖤🖤🖤Two Hours Later🖤🖤🖤

"'ve watched the same tutorial video fifteen times already and read the instructions at least fifty. When're you gonna do my hair?" Mikey pouts at me impatiently while sitting on a stool in our bathroom.

"I just don't wanna fuck up your hair ok...maybe I should rewatch it just in case."

Before I can even press the replay button on my phone, Mikey snatches the phone from my hand. He twirls a strand of my brown hair between his fingers, "Baby, I trust you. Besides even if you do fuck it up, it's just hair we can cut it." 

I lean down and kiss his forehead. "Ok I'll give it a shot. Let's hope this turns out decent." 

"Finally." He snarks.

I pull on the plastic gloves that came with the dye kit and grab the brush to dip it in the black dye. Gently I take a section of his hair and start painting it thoroughly. As I'm doing this, I ask him, "So what's with the new look?"

He stops playing Animal Crossing on his phone. "I-" Mikey stops himself and bites on his lower lip. "I got tired of the blonde and I've always thought black hair looked cooler." 

I decide against pushing him for the real reason and continue to quietly focus on dying his hair.


To absolutely no one's shock, Mikey fell asleep sitting on the stool while I was dying his hair. In a sense I am sort of impressed with how he can just sleep anywhere. While he's napping I silently put his dyed hair into the plastic hair cap before setting a timer on my phone.

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