A/N: Possible Christmas Special

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At the moment I'm finishing up a bonus side story to the dog one shot I wrote*. After that I'm thinking about doing a Christmas special side story, but idk which time period I want to do it in. So I leave to you lovely readers, the option of a vote. Comment under which option you want.

1. Future Mikey and Chieko; might be a bit dark angsty and lemony or it might be light and lemony. Haven't decided yet.

2. Past Mikey and Chieko; soft fluffy and some light comedy thrown in.

I really can't make the decision since both have their appeal to me. Whichever one gets the most comments wins. Have a happy holidays ya'll!

*actually I'm gonna do something else. I wasn't jiving with the continuation of the bonus content so I'm gonna scrap that idea do something different. Your hint for the next side story is "naked". Take that as you will.

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