Side Story Seven: Sharing

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I pull over near a smoothie shop and park my motorcycle. I finally got done with racing practice and I needed something to cool off. Just as I'm about to walk towards the shop, I feel a tug on my pants. Looking down I spot a tiny fluffy Pomeranian. The little dog looks up at me and yips. I can't help but smile and crouch down to give him a scratch behind the ears.

"Aw poor baby, are you lost?" I check for a collar but find none. "I can't leave you out here all alone...Mikey might not like it but I can always ask for forgiveness later. Right buddy?" The little dog licks my hand and gives me a blank stare.


I walk through the door of our penthouse with little Manji under my arm and a smoothie in hand. Mikey comes towards the front door to greet me but stops short once he spots the little fluff ball I'm holding.

"Uhh...whatcha got there Chieko?" He asks eying the dog.

"A smoothie." I answer.

"...the answer is no."

"What? Why?? Mikey...he was all alone on the streets and I've checked for microchips and he doesn't have any. Please. He's so small, you won't even notice him. Please..." I hold up the little dog and use my best puppy eyes on him.

"Stop that." He backs away.

"Stop what? I'm just looking at you." I continue to approach him.



He shuts his eyes and pinches his brow for a moment before answering, "Fine, fine, but he's your responsibility."

I hug onto Mikey and kiss his cheek, "Thanks baby! I love you so much!"

"Yeah, I love you too." He kisses my forehead.

Little did he know that little Manji would turn into a fearsome rival for my attention.


I'm in the kitchen heating up some sake; suddenly I feel a pair of arms wrap around me from behind. I smile and lean back against his chest.

"It's almost done. Be patient."

He kisses my neck, "I want you right now..."

"Let me finish heating up my sake, silly." I giggle as he kisses and bites my neck. His hand starts to wander under my shirt until we hear a little bark. I turn around to find little Manji at our feet. "Aw Manji. Come here baby." He wags his tail as I pick him up. I pepper his little fluffy face with kisses.

"Seriously?" I turn to see Mikey pouting.

"What? He wants kisses." I respond.

"I want kisses! Give me kisses!"

"You're spoiled." I kiss his cheek.

"I want more." He huffs.

"You get plenty." I continue to stroke Manji's little head.

"This isn't over fur ball." Mikey says in a low voice.

Manji growls at the challenge and I start soothing him, "Aw don't worry Manji, he's just jealous that you're super cute."

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