Side Story Sixteen: Fairy Tale AU Part One

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Once upon a time there was a girl who was very loved by her parents. Everyday was filled with joy but it couldn't last since the girl's mother was dying. Her mother's parting words to her daughter were, "Chieko...please remember to stay true to yourself and if you ever wish to look for me, I'm right there in your heart."

Chieko's mother died one night, leaving Chieko and her father Akira alone to suffer their loss. But Chieko tried to keep her chin up during these trying times. She forced herself to look forward and continue with her life, knowing full well that her mother was with her every step of the way. Even when she couldn't see her. But her father grew lonely without a spouse by his side and he worried for his daughter to grow up with the absence of a mother. Soon Akira found himself a new wife, a widow by the name of Kita Yashido; with Kita came her shy daughter Shikha. Shikha had been forced to shoulder her cruel mother's expectations and was to obey her silently. But the step mother didn't reserve her cruel oppression just for her own daughter, she slowly performed small almost unnoticeable slights against her step daughter. Chieko remained pure and kind...Chieko, whatcha got there?

"Oh this dear narrator? Just putting extra sugar in my step mother's stew. After all, you should kill your enemy with kindness!" The devious Cinderella winks.

Ok, maybe she didn't always rise above petty pranks, but she is still the kind pure-hearted Disney- the fuck is that crazy ass doing now? And our leading lady just added some snot to her step mother's tea...I can still work with this. Despite Chieko not always going down the more noble path with her issues, she always remained true to herself and "spirited". But tragedy would strike yet again for poor Chieko on the day her father left for business. Akira asked the step mother for what she wanted for him to bring back. She answered jewels. When he asked Shikha, the step daughter what she wanted, she hesitated before ultimately answering whatever her mom wanted. Finally he asked Chieko what she wanted and she answered, "Oh father, I would like nothing more than to have the BMW S1000RR."

Hey! You can't do that!! This is fairy tale land, where the fuck is your dad gonna get a sports bike!? Also can you try to be just a little bit humble?

"Bitch, who do you think you're talking to? You wrote me to have the same bloated ego as Rei Kashino! The king of egotistical bad boys!" Cinderella shouts back at our author.

Ok, I can see your point but can you at least make it more realistic to the time period? 

Cinderella rolls her eyes at the writer and concedes with a, "Fine...oh father, I would like nothing more than the fastest steed you can find so I can get the fuck out of here."

But her father would not return, for on the way to his destination he was attacked and killed by bandits. The news had crushed the poor girl's heart and it would be a very long time till she would let another man into her heart. Unfortunately without her father there to protect his daughter, Kita had full reign to do whatever she wanted. She started by sending Chieko to live in the worker's quarters. The only warmth that she could find was near the hearth; where she was dirtied with cinders, lending her the nickname Cinderella. While her step mother mocked and reviled Cinderella, Shikha would only offer kindness and sisterhood to her step sister. But she would often refuse Shikha's kindness to protect her step sister from Kita's wrath.

And so years pass and Cinderella grew up into a beautiful young woman; the striking image of her mother, except for her eyes which she got from her father. Shikha grew up into a beautiful woman as well inside and out. But their mother Kita...well she remained a heinous bitch. Kita's eyes were set on greater heights, for she wanted her daughter to marry into power. And luckily for her, such an opportunity would arrive for her to bring her daughter before Prince Manjirou Sano. The king had issued a decree that any girl, no matter their rank, shall come to the royal ball. What the public didn't know was that at the ball the Prince would have to pick a bride by the end of the night or else his father will force his own choice bride onto him.

Prince Manjirou had felt like he's been drifting through life, nothing has struck a chord with him beyond the bar fights he gets into whenever he sneaks out. The Prince was bored beyond belief and his only source of entertainment were duels or brawls; which the king greatly disapproved of. The king is hoping that if he can get his feral son settled down he'll stop getting into trouble. Ah yes nothing like a life commitment to try to "settle" your kid down. Ya know you could try talking to him? Nope, that is too much of a hassle for our "busy" king.

Manjirou's boredom would soon change when he witnesses a woman with her face covered up racing against men. You see dear reader, Chieko had been doing horse races to earn herself enough money to get the hell away from her heinous step mother. And it just so happened that the Prince had noticed her. Love had stricken him so hard that he stopped, much to the confusion of his companion and knight Draken.

"Mikey, what's wrong? Your father is going to lose it if we don't hurry up back to the castle." His friend reminds the Prince.

"It's just...she's so beautiful. I've never seen someone ride so quick and recklessly."

Cinderella wins the race and immediately let's out a victory cry, "Fuck yeah! Pay up bitches!"

"She's so graceful." His Prince comments.

Knight Draken blinks his eyes, unsure of if they're looking at the same girl, "Graceful...huh? Is that how people describe cussing like a sailor these days?"

"She's just expressive. I think I'm in love." He comments.

The knight glances over at the uh...passionate girl then back at his Prince; he had never seen Manjirou's eyes soften like that towards anyone. Not since his older brother had died tragically in battle. It was as though that girl had brought a spark back to life within the young Prince. Draken smiles to himself, "Well, you'll probably get your chance at the ball."

"You think she'll show up?"

"I mean probably."

And indeed Cinderella will show up at the ball out of pure spite for her step mother. Chieko is just that petty. But Kita wasn't a total idiot and knew that her step daughter would try to go to the ball with the sole purpose of embarrassing her. So when the ball came around Kita simply scoffed at Cinderella's handmade dress, "You seriously think I'd let you come to the ball with us in such rags? This is my shot at being the prince's mother in law, and I will not allow you to take that away!"

"Fuck you I do what I want." Cinderella shoots back.

Kita drags Chieko to the cellar and locks her in before going to the carriage in a huff. Her kind daughter Shikha quietly asks, "Did you really have to lock her up like that? What would it have hurt to take her with us?"

Her mother clenches her hand into a tight fist and fights down the urge to strike her daughter, "Shikha...the only reason I haven't slapped you right now is because you have to look your best for the Prince. So I recommend you don't ask any more stupid questions." This threat was enough to shut down the timid girl; but silently she wished for her sister to make it to the ball.

Back in the cellar Chieko started eating the food supplies to spite her step mother in another way. "Have fun coming home to an empty cellar bitch." Just as she uttered those crude words a light appears before her and there in its place was her mother. Chieko stands up slowly, tears sliding down her cheeks, "M-mom is that you?"

"Yes and I've come here to grant your wish of getting out of here for good." Cinderella's mother lightly kisses her forehead and light starts to envelop the girl. Once the light fades she finds herself in a silver gown that sparkled like starlight and in delicate glass slippers.

But that didn't matter to her when her mom is standing right before her. She runs to her mom and holds onto her tightly, "Please stay mom. I don't care about the ball if I can have you back. was so lonely without you and dad. Please don't leave me again."

Tears run down her cheeks as she pleads for her mother to stay but her mother simply combs her fingers through her daughter's curly brown hair, "Chieko, I was never truly gone. You may not see me but I'm always right here." She places her hand against her daughter's beating heart. "I'm here in your heart and memories. That's a place where I can never truly die."

Cinderella's tears start to dry, her mother's words renewing strength within her. "But how am I going to get there?"

"Leave that to me!"

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