Chapter Eleven: The Evil Stepmother and the Kind Stepsister

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I freeze in my spot as soon as I spot my stepmother and stepsister standing in the doorway to the video rental store. Her bitter gaze soon finds mine and she strides over to me with purpose; against the protests of her daughter, Shikha.

She stops in front of us and sneers at me, "I see you got the rest of your inheritance." She gestures dramatically towards the window, before continuing her tirade. "Do you have any idea how much those bikes would sell? You're sitting on top of a fortune!"

"Hello Kita..." I say dryly.

Shikha gets in between me and her mother, "Mom, I thought we both agreed that you would leave Chieko alone. You need to let this whole inheritance thing go."

She shoves her daughter aside and gets in my face, "I didn't agree on anything. I should have gotten the bikes, I mean what is some teenager going to do with them anyways."

"Race them." I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?" She asks.

I look her dead in the eyes and defiantly say, "I'm going to race them you fucking hag!" 

"How dare you speak to me that way!" She lifts her hand to slap me but Mikey grabs her wrist. She spits and hisses at the boy, "Unhand me you punk!"

"I've heard just about enough bullshit come out of your mouth." He says before releasing her; his voice drops to a low and deadly calm, "I don't hit girls so I'll let you go. But if you ever try to hit my girlfriend again, I might just have to break your wrist m'am." 

Shikha tries to calmly guide her mother towards the exit, "Let's go mom. You don't want get in trouble with the cops again, do you?" Kita slaps away her daughter's hand and leaves in a huff. Shikha bows to us, "I'm so sorry for her behavior. She had no right to harass you about your cut of the inheritance."

"Shikha, it's not your fault. She's always been like that...but did she hurt you?" I ask as I try to inspect her for any bruises.

"It-it's nothing I can't handle..." she replies shyly.

Before she could say anything more, her mom honks the car horn. Shikha is about to run towards the car when I stop her, "At least give me your phone number before you go. I miss you Shikha-chan."

I hand her my phone and let her put her number into my contacts, before she runs off to her impatient and ornery mother. Suddenly I feel a pair of arms wrap around me, "I don't know what that was about...but I'm here if you need to talk to someone."

I turn around to hug onto him, "I'll explain it later...right now I just want to get our movies and some Taiyaki."


We arrive back at Mikey's place in one piece. Mikey open one of the sliding doors and just sits on the floor with his legs dangling.

He pats the spot next to him, "So, are you ready to talk?"

I sit next to him and rest my head on his shoulder, " that crazy lady back there was my stepmother Kita Yashido and my stepsister Shikha. I never knew my mother since she ran off after handing me over to my father. I've never met her, so Kita has always been the only example of a mother figure I had..." I take a cigarette out of my leather jacket and light up; a nasty habit I picked up from Takeomi. "And that's not saying much since she doesn't even treat her own daughter any better. I'd get it if she just hated my guts, I'm not her own kid. But to treat her own flesh and blood like's just fucked up." I breathe out more smoke, "Anyways...she never showed her true colors in front of my father so I never felt like I could tell anyone how awful she was. Only me and Shikha knew that side of her. When my father passed away he split up the inheritance, Kita got the house and the money. I got control over his motorcycles. And these aren't just any motorcycles, they're top of the line and the fastest in manufacturing. Thing is, I didn't know about that until a few days ago because he put my friend Takeomi in charge of my half of the Will until I was deemed ready to receive it. So she just threw me out without much explanation." I stub out my cigarette on my riding boots, "And there you have it. That's what all that screaming and yelling was about. My bet is that she went ahead spent all that money on frivolous shit and now she needs more money to maintain her high end lifestyle."

"Let me protect you." He says all of the sudden.

I look back at him in shock at what he said, "What?"

"I'll protect you. You obviously want to race so I'll protect that dream for you, no matter what." He says as he gently pats my head. "But I'm not doing it for free...I want something."

"And what would that be?"

He leans in and wraps his arms around me, "Your kiss."

I smile before leaning in to kiss him; he smiles into the kiss as his hand supports the back of my neck to further the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and my hands begin to tangle into his long blonde hair. He moans quietly into our kiss, exposing his weak spot.

I tug on his hair again and he grumbles, "Don't test me, Chi-chan."

I smirk and tug on his hair again; he immediately pins me down against the floor as he goes for my neck, attacking it with soft bites and fiery kisses. He licks the spot he lavished with attention and sits back looking smug.

"What are you looking so smug for?"

"I don't know, maybe go check a mirror Chi-chan." His smirk never faltering.

I take out a pocket mirror and notice a big fat hickey on my neck; I whack him across the head, "What the hell ya dingus!?"

"I told you not to test me~" he sticks his tongue out before running inside his house.

I chase after him, not quite done yelling at this trickster yet.

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