Chapter Fifty Seven: Return of the Step Sow

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"When will that bitch just die already!" I shout after learning of the newest psycho shit my miserable step sow is saying.

"We don't wish death on people." My mom corrects me.

I narrow my eyes at this, " like killed people."

We all go silent as the gravity of the situation truly weighs down on us. Is it actually possible that Kita Yashido killed my father? Clearly she is unhinged enough to actually try to kill my mother and then kill her accomplice; what if she is telling the truth and not just trying to mess with us?

I glance at Shikha and she has gone pale and shaken. She covers her mouth before muttering, "No way..." Shikha dashes out of the room and down the hall towards her bedroom.

"Shikha, what happened? Why did you suddenly run-"

"She fucking did it!" She interrupts me midway, "She killed your dad! I should've done something! I'm so sorry...I should've realized what she was doing..."

I arch my eyebrow at this, "What're you talking about? You have me completely lost."

"...I want to tell you first before I tell anyone else." I look back towards the kitchen to see my mom and uncle on the phone; Mikey however is silently eating while chaos happens around him.

I pull my sister into her room and sit her down on the bed. "You can tell me anything. I won't judge you."

Shikha grimaces slightly before starting, "Once I heard that she confessed to murdering your dad, a vague memory started resurfacing. I'm trying to peel back as much as possible, and it's all still kinda fuzzy but I remember something that might confirm what Kita said." She sucks in a deep breath before attempting to recall a possibly repressed memory, "I just remember Kita dragging me to a hardware store. Which seemed weird since this is my mother we're talking about. I've never seen her use a tool in all my life. Next thing I remember is waiting in a parked car at night, then it gets fuzzy."

"You're not saying..." My mind races back to the day my father died. His bike flying at top speeds as he struggles to brake, realizing far too late that his brakes malfunctioned before crashing into a wall and dying upon impact. The police said it was an accident, that somehow some air got into the brake line. It happens sometimes and comes with the risk of racing. That's what I used to think until just now.

"I think she did something to your father's bike before his race. And I'm just so sorry that I didn't-" This time I'm the one to interrupt my sister by wrapping my arms around her, holding her close to me.

"It's not your fault. Kita is the root of all of this, not you. Anyone who says otherwise will answer to me."

"Aw how touching." A voice croons from the doorway. I turn to see Mikey leaning against the door frame. "But what're you gonna do about the step bitch?"

My fists clench at the thought of seeing her, but deep down I have to know. "I'm going to see her. I just have to know if she's actually telling the truth about what happened to my dad."

"Alright, when do you wanna go?" Mikey casually asks.

"You want to go with me?" I arch an eyebrow.

"Well duh, I thought that would be obvious." He walks over to me and pats my head gently. "I'm with you till the end."

"Shikha, I'm going to go see her tomorrow after school. Do you want to come with me?" I don't expect her to want to come; it's bad enough that her, my mom and myself are being summoned to court as witnesses for the murder of her paid hit man. If it were up to me, she would never see that abusive bitch again.

"I...I don't think I can right now. Do you mind going without me on this one? I still don't know what to say to her." Shikha pulls away from me and wipes away her tears. "I'm just not ready to see her yet, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, take your time to organize your thoughts before the court case. I don't want to force you to see her more than you already have to." Besides this visit is personal to me; I have to know what actually happened two years ago at my father's final race.


The final school bell rings and before I can even pack up, Mikey just struts down the hall as though he always went here. The teacher, still traumatized from the last time Mikey stormed into class, just allows it to happen before swiftly leaving the classroom.

Senju gives him the side eye before asking, "Hey what's the boyfriend doing in school? He doesn't even go here."

"He's going with me to see the step sow behind bars."

"Why the fuck would you do that?" Confusion painting her features.

"Well, the bitch decided to confess to killing my father and I need to hear this from her myself. I just have to know if it's true."

"Jeez, when will that bitch just die already?" She asks no one in particular.

"That's what I've been wondering. See ya later." I quickly hug her before moving to join my boyfriend in the hallway.

"Hey! Chieko!" I whirl around and look at her. "Call me after your done, me and my brother we're here for you. Ok?"

I give her a forced smile before saying, "I will, see ya!" Before rushing over to Mikey; immediately he wraps his arm around my waist as we walk towards the front. "I can't believe I have to deal with this heinous bitch again."

"We don't ha-" he starts before I cut him off.

"No, I have to know. I won't be able to function until I hear the words from her mouth."

"You're a strong person." He tells me, "I don't think I could ever visit Kazutora in prison. It'd be like pulling teeth for me to see him now. But you're able to put up with so much and sometimes it worries me."

"I worry you?" I tilt my head at him.

"Yeah you do, but that's only because I love you." His words warm my heart and I lean my head on his shoulder as we walk towards his motorcycle.

"I can only see her because you're here with me. I'm still standing here because I love you too." I gently press a kiss to his cheek. "Well, let's go and get this over with. I don't want to have to think about her any longer than I already have to."

He smiles so gently at me as the sun shines upon his golden hair; almost making him glow. "Ok, let's go."

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