Chapter Thirty Four: One Problem At a Time

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The following day I feel well enough to go back home. I decided yesterday that I will take care of one problem at a time. The Shikha living with Hanma and Kiseki situation will have to wait, since the lawsuit is a more demanding priority. I pull up in the driveway to find Takeomi sitting in the garage waiting on me.

"You ready to see Hoang?"

" coming?"

Takeomi pulls his motorcycle out of the garage, "Yeah. We're both stuck in this and I want to see that rotten bitch lose for once."

"Same...and thanks. I told Mikey not to come with me, but I'm thankful that you're gonna be there. I'm really fucking scared...I've never been this shaken up."

"Don't worry, I'll never tell her where the bikes are. Anyways, let's head out."

He climbs on his bike and we take off towards our only ally in all of this.


We arrived at Hoang's office and were quickly ushered inside. Takeomi had just finished explaining our problem to Hoang and now we're waiting for him to give us a plan...anything really.

Hoang finally stands up and says, "I can only see one way out of this...but it involves your mother."

I tense and grip at the arm of my chair, "Why does she have to be involved?"

"For a couple of reasons. One, she can step forward and claim valid guardianship over you. Two, she works for a very successful company and can probably find better lawyer to represent you than I ever could...she's our best bet." He must've noticed my agitation, because Hoang walks around his desk and crouches in front of me. "I know it's not ideal but think of her helping as her paying you back for not being there during your life. You don't have to like her, you just have to use her if you want to keep your father's motorcycles."

I suddenly stand up, "I need to think about this...adding her to the mix will definitely complicate things."

He sighs, "I me when I say I don't agree with how she handled things but I want you to know that she wants nothing to do with your father's money or his motorcycles. She just wants to set things right in her own way."

Takeomi follows me out of the office without a word. We lean against the wall outside and share a smoke together. "Fucking's just one thing after another." I say to no one in particular.

"Hmm? Did something else happen?" Takeomi asks.

"Shikha is living with some sketchy dudes. While I'm glad she moved out of her mom's house, I can't tell if her living with these two particular individuals is any better." I say as I take a deep inhale of smoke.

"I don't know, I think living with anyone is better than the step sow." 

"I suppose so...I just don't want to see her get hurt by that sleaze. But one thing at a time, I'll deal with that later; right now I need to make a decision." I glance back at the man I practically class as my brother. "What do you think about what Hoang said back there?"

"It's not ideal...but I think you should go for it. Now hear me out." I listen to him, shoving away all of my protests. "You just have to use her. You don't even have to be buddy buddy with her, just use her resources and sense of guilt to get what you want. This is probably the best and easiest way to keep your dad's bikes. Besides she owes you that much." 

"...I suppose your right. But I need to think about this...dealing with her is complicated. My mom...if I can even call her that, evokes so many emotions. I get angry, sad, scared, and there are even times that I contemplate letting it go and forgiving her. I just don't know how to feel about her since I've never known her." I stomp out my cigarette, "I'm going to Mikey's tonight, I feel all messed up." 

"Ok, but come up with a decision soon that court date will sneak up on ya." 

After climbing on my bike, I wave to him one last time before peeling out of the parking lot.


I show up at Sano residence and knock on the door. While I wait, my thoughts drift back to my mother. How is it that a perfect stranger stirs so much within me? Not even my step sow makes me feel this tangled up inside. I know I hate my step mother, but my actual mother is an entirely different story. My thoughts are interrupted by Emma opening the front door.

"Oh, Chi-chan. I didn't know you were coming over, Mikey isn't here right now but he'll be back soon. Wanna come inside and wait?"

"Yeah, thanks Emma."

I walk inside and kick off my boots near the door. "I have some tea on the kettle if you want any." I hear her call out from the kitchen.

"That sounds lovely, thanks." I go into the kitchen and sit across from Emma, as she pours the tea for us. "Thank you."

"So did something happen with your step sow? The other night you were really going through it."

I pause, " turns out that I might have to meet with my absentee mother for things to go smoothly."

"Oh." She fiddles with a strand of her hair, "How do you feel about that?"

"I don't know." The words stumble out. "I have no idea how to feel towards her. Some days I hate her for ditching me and my dad. Others I'm sad that I never got to experience a mother daughter relationship growing up. Sometimes I even get scared of being rejected by her all over again. And on the rarest of occasions...I want to forgive her. It's weird that a perfect stranger has this affect on me..."

A kind warm hand reaches across the table and holds mine, "I mother has been in and out of our lives too. I honestly wouldn't know what I'd do if I had to meet my mom right now. I'd be torn between slapping her or crying."

I laugh weakly, "I feel the same way."

She walks around the table and hugs onto me, "Whatever decision you make, we're here to back you up. We abandoned kids need to stick together."

Returning her hug, I murmur, "Thank you."

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