Side Story Three: the Sano Sibblings' Love Rival

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"Damn she's so fine." Draken remarks next to me.

"Ugh, I know. She looks so smooth." I reply.

"Oi I saw her first." He glares at me.

"No way! I was the one who pointed her out to you, I should have her!!" I argue back.

"Guys..." Emma interrupts us, her annoyance is obvious in her tone. "We didn't go out for you two to just stand around and drool over motorcycles!" 

Mikey is next to his sister silently pouting at us admiring the motorcycles parked in front of some random dealership. 

"Heh heh...sorry about that." I meekly apologize. 

Mikey's pout worsens as he remarks, "I bet you'd marry a motorcycle if you were able to."

"I would not-"

"Yes." Draken instinctively answers.

I give Draken the biggest side eye I have ever given anyone in my life, "Dude..."

I look at Emma and see that her face is as red as a tomato, "Fine, I hope you're both very happy together." She storms off, leaving Draken speechless.

"You really screwed the pooch on that one." I remark.

"What? No! Shut up!" Draken quickly recovers and runs after Emma.

Mikey wraps his arms tightly around me, "You're not out of the dog house yet either."

I pat his head, "Aw, I'm not? What do I gotta do to get on your good side again?"

I give him my best puppy dog eyes and he relents, "I suppose if you bought me some Taiyaki I could find it in my heart to forgive you." He blushes, "And maybe kiss me."

I smile warmly at his cute demands before leaning in to kiss him. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in close. I wrap my arms around his neck and begin playing around with his hair before pulling back.

"Am I forgiven now?" I bat my eyelashes at him.

He pats my head, " seem to just get away with anything, huh?"

I kiss his cheek and cheekily answer, "No idea what you're talking about~"

"Uh huh, you little so-and-so." He continues to tease.

"So do Emma and Draken still wanna meet up at the sushi place for lunch or is Draken permanently in the dog house?" I ask all too innocently.

"Yeah apparently Draken apologized, so we're meeting up for lunch." He informs me.

"Oh thank god. I promise we won't talk about motorcycles. I swear!"


"Draken! Look at this motorcycle!" I squeal over the motorcycle magazine we found near the restaurant.

"Damn, she's a fine one! You got a good eye, Chi-chan." Draken replies.

"How did we both end up falling in love with a motorcycle nerd..." Mikey mutters to his sister.

"It has to be genetic..." Emma mumbles back.

"Huh? Did you guys say something?" I look to my boyfriend.

"Uh...nothing, it's just you two seem to be really obsessed with motorcycles...almost to an unhealthy extent."

"Oh that reminds me, Draken, what do you make of this stupid Gentlemen's Agreement?" I ask him.

"God it's so lame. If manufacturers can't take a little competition then they should get out of the kitchen. Making motorcycles should be all about top speed."

"Thank god someone gets it. Thankfully I have the 1999 First Gen Suzuki Hayabusa; that fine lady goes up to 312 km."

"Damn, 312 km. Your dad sure seemed to love speed."

"Maybe going on a double date was a mistake..." Emma whispers to her brother.

"Yep, who knew getting these two motor heads together would cause this much talk about motorcycles?" Mikey whispers back.

I pick up on Mikey's jealous aura and decide to turn my attention onto him, "Baby, do you wanna go check out the movie rental place after this?"

"Does that mean you're staying over tonight?" His eyes sparkle at the implication of me staying over.

"Yep." I smile back at him.

He hugs onto me like a koala bear, "I get you all to myself. Eat that damn motorcycles!" 

"Why're you so jealous of motorcycles? I wouldn't leave you for a motorcycle." 

"Because you get this sparkle in your eyes whenever you look at one. I only want you to look at me like that. And..." he blushes bright red.

"And?" I ask, waiting for him to elaborate.

He leans in close to my ear and whispers, "And they get to feel your thighs squeeze around them and I only want your thighs squeezing my face."

I nearly blow a gasket as my mind races for a response to that. Emma looks at me with concern, "Mikey what did you say to Chieko-chan, she looks mortified."

"Oh nothing. Right Chi-chan?" His hand squeezes my thigh under the table and I jolt up a bit. 

Draken simply says, "You have my deepest condolences Chieko."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Mikey pouts at his friend.

"It means that my thoughts and prayers are with your poor girlfriend for having to put up with you." 

"Jeez, I'm not that bad. Tell them Chi-chan."

"Eh, depends on the day." I tease Mikey.

"Betrayed by my beloved!" He places his hand over where his heart would be and dramatically sighs, "What a cruel and unforgiving world."

"Aw you know I'm teasing~ I love you baby." I cling onto him; to which he blushes.

And that's how our double dates normally go; Mikey and Emma getting jealous over Draken and I ogling motorcycles and me trying to patch things up.

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