14. ___ is dead 3/7

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The days went by fast, the Golden Quartet was trapped and got taken to Malfoy Manor where Hermione and ___ got tortured by Bellatrix. During the rescue, they lost their little friend Dobby, who got hurt by Bellatrix's sword. They had to infiltrate into Gringotts bank, and got out, mounted on a dragon, but didn't get out empty handed, they got the Hufflepuff Cup.

They arrived at Hogsmaede to get into Hogwarts Castle, had a duel with Snape but professor McGonagall confronted him. That was when the Battle of Hogwarts had begun.

Meanwhile in Forks, the Cullens were worried for ___. Suddenly, Alice had a vision.


She could see a castle which she recongized from her previous visions. It was a battle. She saw bodies lying everywhere. Children and adults.

Suddenly, her vision changed to ___ and her brother being attacked and falling to the ground, lifeless. Her vision changed again to an army leaded by a noseless man who said he had killed Harry and ___ Potter. She saw how a semi-giant was carrying the Potter siblings' bodies.


Alice let out a little scream, getting all the Cullen family's attention.

Alice: ___............ died. - she said with tearry eyes

Tears that would never fall.

Rosalie: Are you sure?

She couldn't believe it, her little friend had died.

Alice: I don't see her in my visions. Not anymore.

Edward: NO, NO!!!

He got out of the house, running to the forest, regretting her death. The girl he loved, the person who taught him how to love and be loved. The Cullens also regretted her death. They told it to the tribe because they also felt a sort of affection towards her. They couldn't believe it either, neither could Billy Black who appreciated her.

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