Turn of a season

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When you want something badly, it's hard to keep your eyes off it.

Needless to say, the last weeks of summer spent at the Potter residence, I found myself increasingly distracted: frustrated.

Chats with Euphemia in the kitchen while she baked apple crumble, grilling in the sun with Fleamont, board games in the evening (these always ended in some high-spirited argument or another). Sirius would walk past the kitchen; he'd catch my eye and smile, and I'd completely forget where we were in the conversation. Sirius would steal a bite of food from the cutting board before it became victim to the grill, grin and wink at me, and I'd lose feeling in my limbs. Sirius would lean forward beside me to move his token on the board,  the smell of his hair and a lingering scent of the days sweat would fill my nostrils and I'd find it hard to know what do when it was my turn right after.

I was almost ashamed of myself, losing my mind over a boy.

I just wished we could have some time alone together again, not that I expected anything to happen then. I was far too insecure to make a move, and Sirius probably hadn't even considered it. It was all in my head.

On the other hand, Sirius had been looking at me a lot. We had a few inside jokes between us by now, and sent each other a look whenever the Potters had their own inside jokes, as most families do.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

I had been staring out of the train window, watching the nature fly by, looking back on the summer that had been.

I turned around. Remus was smiling at me. We were the only two in the compartment.

"Where did all the others go?" I asked, obviously referring to James, Sirius, and Peter. I hadn't notice them leave.

"Out to hunt down the trolley," He answered, "I think they asked twice if anyone else wanted anything."

I sighed, "Sorry Remus. I think the first thing I'll do when I get money is buy a pensieve, I have an overwhelming amount of unwelcome and irritating thoughts. On the other hand, if you gave me a penny for each of them, I might have enough for a pensieve."

"I think I know how you feel." Remus said, still smiling, but looking tired.

I laid my head in his lap and stretched my legs out on the carriage seats, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes. Cleopatra purred lightly as she folded herself onto my chest. 

After a while, I spoke up, "I'm glad we're all together again. That, at least, is an improvement from last year."

"Yeah," Remus replied, "Last year was pretty shit. I'm sorry we didn't spend as much time together."

"Don't be! I should have made more of an effort. Lets just agree we'll see more of each other this year."

"Yeah." Remus repeated, and rested his hand lightly on my head.

"We've got frogs, we've got liccy wands, lots of beans, and a bunch of pasties."

Someone threw something at me, and I abruptly opened my eyes. The others had returned, and James had thrown me a packet of licourice wands; my favourite.

I straightened up, holding on to Cleopatra so she wouldn't fall off, and smiled at the others, "Thanks, James."

"I bought you them." Sirius said quickly, and moved quickly to sit on my other side.

"Oh, well, thank you then."

As I moved to face Sirius, I felt Remus poke me gently in my back, and resisted the urge to giggle or do anything else that was stupid.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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