The Barn

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"Ollie, wake up."

I was shaken awake and felt hair in my face. I pulled it away from my face.

"Oi, I thought I awoke you quite respectfully, and you yank my hair out in return!"

I opened my eyes, squinting in the sharp sunlight to see Sirius' face rather close to my own.

"Sorry, I thought it was my hair, I didn't expect you to be quite so close to me."

"Well, will you let go of it?"

"What?" I then realised I was in fact still gripping onto his hair. It was rather soft. It smelt good. I let go of it, knowing my face was pink and rolled off of Sirius, who I had apparently fallen asleep on.

I opened the car door, walking slowly and stretching out my stiff legs and looked at the barn. It was old, and ivy crept over the face of it, but it was beautiful. Lots and lots of wild flowers grew all around it, and a field of all kinds of vibrantly coloured flowers grew just behind it, and a patch of strawberries not too far away too. The sun was beginning to set slowly, sending out glowing colours of orange and red, hints of purple turning it all the more breathtaking. I breathed in deeply and smelt the fragrant smell of all the different flowers and smiled at the boys, who were all taking in the marvellous scenery too.

"Welcome to the Barn!" I exclaimed, and jumped onto James' back, who promptly neighed like a horse and ran towards the front door. I barely clung on, screaming with fits of laughter.

Sirius and Remus followed, laughing too, carrying James and my bags.

"Oh, Remus, please don't touch that." Remus had picked up my staff and begun to carry it to the house. I jumped off of James and walked over to him.

"Oh, sorry," He gave it to me, then asked, "What is it really, I mean, shouldn't other people touch them?"

"Uh, well. It's a staff." I said dumbly.

"Well that much was obvious." Sirius said, with a sarcastic expression on his face.

"My father taught me how to make them, and I made this one specially suited for me. I mean it's not bad for others to touch them, but it's like if I got a hold of your wands."

They all nodded, then James asked, "So is it just like a big wand, then?"

I screwed up my face, thinking of a good explanation, "Sort of. I mean you don't need a wand to perform magic, it's just like a prop to direct it through to make it more concentrated. Like a lightning conductor, sort of. Now the staff is much bigger, so if you learn how to use it properly, your magic could be more powerful. If you see here," I held out the staff for the boys to see, and they all came in a circle around it, "You'll see engravings, runes. Some are for the wood itself, so it's stronger than normal wood and won't break, but others are to enhance magic."

"Dope." Said James.

"Yeah, that's pretty neat stuff, and you did all this yourself?" He asked, examining the runes. I nodded.

"Hang on, if staffs can make your magic more powerful, how come all strong wizards have them?" Sirius asked.

"Well, one thing is the practicality. They're not exactly light, and a drag to travel with. Then there's also the fact that it will only properly work for the witch or wizard who made it, it is unique to the person, and it is rather tricky to make. It can also be used as a non-magic weapon, I mean if you hit someone with it it'll twinge quite a bit, and if you learn how to fight with it you gain a new set of skills. Not everyone has the patience to work with properly channelling their magic through it if they already are excellent with a wand."

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